Welcome to the 'Lith, Asa 
I'm also familiar with (in)visible energies around living things- I'm used to seeing auras, as a whitish glow, and if I'm having a really clear day, I can see a wider more colourful field around people. On a sunny day I love watching the energy literally dance in the air.
This pic is verry interesting though, for two reasons. First, that it registered on the digicam at all. Second, that it's a field without a focal corporeal body.
I saw such a field once, and was able to corroborate with two other individuals. It was in a castle in Cumbernauld and the thing had the feel of a household god, or something similar.
Edit- there's a mirror in the picture, isn't there? I don't think we're seeing the effects of flare on the camera, though- it doesn't look like an optical effect. However, IIRC, the light reflecting off the mirror would be polarized. That might be something worth investigating. would also like to know if the camera wielder had any history of psychic stuff...
[ 12-02-2002: Message edited by: Flame On ] |