Thanks for not dismissing me as an unhinged loon Wombat! I must admit I dont usual stay up to 4 in the morning discussing ToE and I probably was getting a bit fluffy! The thing is I'm more of a philosopher than a physicist but remember we discovered the atom about 1500 years before physicist did by firing arrows at tortoices.
Anyway, you seem to be up on physiscs, and you seem to know what I'm sayig so maybe you could help me here. I'm looking at the world as a philosopher rather than a pysicist, language rather than mathimatics.
Regarding imaginary dimentions; I think you are saying that they are like fiddle factors, i.e. just part of the pattern but without any 'real' manifistation. So a tree can be simplified if we could see it in 3.6 dimentions but it doesnt meen that there is 0.6 dimentions of the tree hanging around outside of our awareness in some kind of hyperspace.
Well philosophicly speaking there is no difference between the two, like we might all be brains in jars like the matrix or we might not. We cannot talk about things which are necisarily outside of our perception of the world because there cannot possibly be any data on it (or it wouldnt be outside our perception). Bottom line; it works as an analogy of the percived world so lets use it and not get bogged down with unanswerable questions. 
By odd dimentions I just meen that there may be 4 dimentins, there may be 8 or 12 or there may be 8.638153893 dimentions, it could be an irrational number that goes on forever. Our system of mathimatic cant even handle a cical, probably the most basic natural shapes there is. So what are the chances it's perfectly adapted to handling the whole universe?
When people talk about extra spacial dimention we have this sci-fi idea about alternative worlds or hyperspace. When I talk about a universe existing in 8 or so dimentions I cannot imagine our 3d or 4d bodys being able to move outside of percived space anymore than you could hope to swap your X axis with your T axis, your up/downyness with your position in time.
Now the thing with stuff moving backwards, it just that I feel I caught a glimpse of something but it's trapped in my head and if I dont say something then I might forget it entirly. This is where my philosophy comes in; feilds like a magnetic feild it has two sides like an electromagnet, each side attracting like. So does gravity have two sides? I meen I read in the wikipedia that physicist have difficulty explaining why gravity is such a weak force and that one suggestion is that some of the force is directed towards another dimention. Keep this in mind!
Next, look at everything in reverse (it was isotope decay that first got me doing this), in reverse gravity repels rather than attracts. So when we run time backwards why doesnt the earth just explode into atomic dust? Well there is the repelent force of atoms that in forward time stops atoms from colapsing in on themselves. Well in reverse it acts as an attracting force which glues everything together in clups whilst gravity trys to force everything apart. Although as we go back in time far enough to the big bang everything does blow apart into dust and clouds then gets sucked up into a big black hole (the big bang in reverse). Er, I'm lossing it here, let me just drop that line of reasoning for a second!
So what if the anti-universe, the other 4 or 6 dimentions or whatever, is effectively running backwards to our universe. Where we have more protons than neutrons (or anti-protons) there it is opisite. Hmm, something is telling me the thing with the big bang and the big crush are actualy just illisions caused by our perspective and that it's actual one big loop. Anyway, what I'm getting at is; a magnetic feild has both of it's polarities in our percivable 3d space but what if some feilds work on a different axis, the other half of the gravity feild permiates into hyperspace but doesnt blow the hyperspacial earth to atomic dust because cause and effect are running backwards in those dimentions.
Actualy that is a simplification, it's not like 2 linier world running in paralel, time/space is curved in multiple dimentions. Thats what I was getting at with the modus strip analogy and the 'illusion' of the big bang etc. Effectivly it's like the curved universe theory but time/space and at least as many other dimentions are all part of the totality, there are no real boundries except what we impose arbitarily due to our limited perception.
Does any of that make the slighest bit of sence? I just hope some of this might stimulate the imagination of somebody more able to handle the details than myself, maybe I was just tripping out when all this came to me! |