I've been meaning to buy Whistle on DVD for a while now, but keep forgetting, so made absolutely sure to watch it last night.
Excellent. It works so well because, in the main, the terror is instantly recognisable. Having to keep on looking at the chair near your bed in order to prove to yourself that there isn't anybody sitting in it, but also just in case there *is*. And then, when it gets too much, pulling the covers up over your ears and face in protection, leaving just enough room to breathe through. Both of which I found myself doing after watching it, along with desperately trying to ignore the fact that there could theoretically be something following right behind me as I was walking up the stairs.
Some clever touches. As soon as the Professor walks into the room we're shown the spare bed, surrounded by a border that could be a camera trick for emphasis, but could just as well be a border of spiritual darkness. It's not commented on, either - not then, nor the next couple of times we're shown it. A lot of stuff showing us how the Prof's mind's working - just as the speech of the guy who's showing him around the room is muffled and mumbled because the Prof's not paying any attention, so we're given portentous views of the spare bed as he notices it but refuses to acknolwedge that he's noticed it.
The nightmare sequence - ick. Total fight/flight shit going on there and, for once, magically not ruined by showing us the ghost. Probably because it doesn't look like anything we're expecting - again, there's never any explanation even attempted. Same goes for the whistle, of course. That's where terror lies - the unexplained. All the way through, I was thinking about how these touches are also used to equally great effect in The Haunting.
In other words, it was aces. The one the previous night (I forget the name) was almost as good, spoiled only by the casting of the husband from Keeping up Appearances in a fairly important role that he was totally unsuitable for. There's another tomorrow night, too (or tonight - Friday, anyway). |