Funny how everybody jumps on speed cameras, but that may be my own fault for not explaining myself.
I don't care about speed cameras, they don't (as far as I know) log their images. What I have a problem with is this assumption that if just the government knows everything about everyone then we'll all be safe.
Historically, governments have killed far more people than any kind of non-government terrorist. I'm worried about terrorism too, but not nearly enough to give away my freedom to a bunch of people, who have made the quest for power into their whole careers.
Also, any system of this sort has a million holes in it. Besides the potential for tracking dissenters in general, there will likely be thousands of people with access to the system, who might use it for their own purposes (tracking their spouse or whatever).
Concerning smashing cameras, of course it won't help to destroy a few here or there, but there must be some kind of critical mass where it simply won't be economical to keep repairing them. They can't very well post police officers at every camera to guard them, can they?
Maybe I'm being too negative, but I really have very little faith in the official process of objection. Write your MP. That'll help.
Finally, guns. I never cared much for them, but i do have a problem with the idea that only the police and military have any. Maybe it wouldn't make much difference, but still, I consider it a symptom. The state is saying, 'You can't be trusted with weapons.' As if they can.
Also, I feel I should mention that I'm not British. The reason I'm so concerned about this is that my own government are thinking about something similar and it would be a nasty precedent. |