free culture, open source, copyleft, creative commons, open content, share-alike, intellectual property, public domain, artistic collaboration, derivative works, collage, sampling, remix culture, bastard pop, file sharing, lawrence lessig, libre society, et all...
are there any publications that focus on this sort of stuff? not just frequently publish articles relating to it, but actually have it as their main focus?
I've searched hard and long, but have turned up nothing.
I ask this for three reasons:
1) I'd quite like to read some.
2) If there really is as much of a shortage (or lack of existence, for that matter) as I think there is, I had the idea of starting something myself. I won't go into detail here, and I certainly don't have the time, energy, time, committment, time, resources, time, connections, time, etc. available at the present time to actually make it happen... but consider it a long standing goal of mine.
3) There are some great free culture related projects I know of that aren't getting as much publicity as they deserve.
(also, short of actual physical publications, any relevent blogs you know of would be nice to hear about as well) |