
Like, uh, four things...
1) THIS interview with the awesome twosome, care of Rolling Stone.
2) Career Day, my fave episode. They somehow get a job as security guards in a mall, and approach all the hot women to 'search them'. huh, huh. "Sorry mam, I'm gonna have to, uh, take down your particulars'
3) The episode where Beavis goes all psycho and woodsaw's his own finger off. After getting it fixed, the doctor is in the process of telling him not to put any pressure on it, just as he sticks it up his nose and pulls it off again.
4) The MTV Beavis and Butthead christmas special - Featuring live images overlooking Times Sq, and a real presenter, with animated B & B in on the action. Great, great retarded commentry ("BEAVIS: WHOAH! Look at all those people out there. BUTTHEAD: Those people are bums!!! BEAVIS: Yeah, huh, huh") Fave bit: When they ask the real dude, off-camera, what meat he wants, "white or black?" and he says whatever, and then they start laughing and throwing the meat at him. Heh. "Gobble-gobble!"
Beavis rocks. |