So, anyway, I was finally able to get my hands on a copy of Morrison's "Kill Your Boyfriend", I rather enjoyed it but it also set those diabolical wheels turning.
I'll offer a bit of personal backstory.
For the last two years I've been working closely with a writing team for a prospective (i.e. completely unfinanced) television pilot and film. The director who is attached to it is currently in the middle of filming a very clever low budget horror film to prove his mettle to the various studios whose primary question has been "Have you directed a feature before?" He's worked as a DP, actor, editor, sound editor, and done the clean up for a number of bad directors he's worked under for the last ten or fifteen years so he's done everything but direct a feature.
Anyways, the footage he's shot so far is looking promising and he's hiding his budget very well. A handfull of studios are talking multi (low budget) picture deal if he delivers the goods on this one. He's quite fond of my work as a writer and actor and what's more we're on a similar page, creatively speaking, and he'd very much like to colloborate with me on any strong ideas I've had that could translate well to the low-budget venue.
So, finally, I come to my point. Having read KYB it occurred to me that )A: a filmic adaptation could actually be rather inexpensive and )B: since it seems to be solely owned by Grant Morrison, getting the rights would be more a matter of convincing him that he and the material would get a fair shake and )C: that sort of thing could be right up our alley.
What I'm asking you, my gentle fellow Barbelites, is to answer as one of the most concentrated number of people fond and familiar with Morrison's work that I know of, "What do you think?"
KYB as low budget film?
And, shocking as it probably sounds, transporting it from England to Texas?
I realize that last bit probably sounds quite shocking but, apart from changing a number of the cultural signifiers, I think it could be done while keeping the story intact. If we were to try to do the film I think that would be the only honest course as the alternative would be trying to foist off some portion of nearby America as England which just would not work.
Suggestions to fuck off? |