the government isn't actively tracking our calls, but rather getting the lists from our phone companies, who have them anyway
Damn skippy! There's nothing at all wrong with corporations sharing people's personal information with the government. In fact, I think I'll call my bank, phone company, cable and internet supplier, library, credit card providers, insurance company and local bar tomorrow morning and insist that they immediately share all of my information with the government. If the government doesn't know what websites I'm visiting or what I'm spending money on, the terrorists will have won!
we may not like the fact that the government has a big list of all the phonecalls ever made using US carriers, it may be what needs to be done
Who doesn't like it!? Fucking pinko liberal enviro-Nazi scum, that's who. There needs to be a new wing at Guantanamo for traitors like that. They're hiding something, I'm sure of it. Good, God-fearing people have nothing to fear from this, because we have nothing to hide.
The "war on terror," is a 21st century war, one of the first of its kind. It is a war in which sucess isn't based upon force of arms, but rather, control of information.
You bet your ass. We control the fuck out of all the information in Iraq, boy howdy! Fucking Al Qaeda supporters. Did you know that Saddam was behind 9-11? S'true. Got that bastard, though, didn't we? Now we're working on all the goddamn terrorists in that country (fucking sand trap- no one who lives in a place like that can be trusted, no sir). And there's a lot of them, by God (actually seems like more every day, now that I think about it... why's that, I wonder?), but our fine men and women in the Armed Forces are sorting 'em out. Nothing like hoods, attack dogs and electrified genitals to make someone love the good ol' U-S-of-A.
It is the ability to marshal and utilize vast troves of information that will allow the US to win out over whoever it really is we are fighting, be it Al Qieda or whoever else
Amen, Brother. You have to marshal and utilize vast troves of information before you can marshal and utilize vast troves of bombs. Big fuckin' bombs, with the American flag on 'em! U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!!
sometimes, sacrifices must be made from our freedom to preserve it.
"He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security."
You know who said that? Ben Franklin. Betcha never thought he was a Red, huh? Probably spent too much time in France. |