Being a total fucking pessimist I was surprised when my magic actually worked.
I id a few sigils sent them out there and two days later - they happened. I was reemployed and had got a great boning.
Sad I know but it's the simple things in life that makes us happy.
Anyway. I love writing and this seems to be the problem/ strangeness.
I always go into a state off trance and then write. Regardless off what actually happens in the trance. I could end up seeing a blurring mish mash off images- with little or no understanding.
The first draft is usually bollocks and near illiterate to anyone actually reading it apart from myself.
The redraft normally makes sense.
Now this is the problem.
A couple off things that I've actually written about have come true. I'm not going around the route off, "the story has a life off it's own". But I've bumped into two characters that I've writen about. Outside of my main pannel off friends and social norms.
Perhaps I've been searching for the story and so find a story. Using the same technique off if yuo think you'll mess up, long and hard enough, you will.
But it's a little strange.
It's not even the characters but the words people use. The actions and berliefs that they hold.
Has anyone else ever experience anything like this. A little insight would be helpfull.
The strangest thing is that the whole process is unfrightening. With an almost natrality to it. Almost as if it was mean't to be.
The remb |