Hey, hey, my dearest ones, it's Kali. The goddess of ghosting the board, the patroness of just passing by.
Well, kids, I just turned 29 not too long ago, and with it came a startling thought. I need a change. Of scenery, of geography, of anything. And that's when I came up with an idea.
Seeing as how I'm looking down the barrel of 30 (I'm not taking this birthday thing very well, am I?), I would like to the entirely different and hopefully plausible route of relocating to the UK for a bit. I come to you mostly because I know a few of you well and you could possibly aid me in seeing this become a reality. I realize I don't post here as often as I used to--and believe me, I hate every day that I don't--but I am asking for your assistance. You can respond on this thread if you like, and also to my personal email.
I hope all's well with you lovely folk. I promise to check back in soon.
Love, Kali |