Quantum - Fun facts about Christmas traditions - did you know about Santa Claus and Fly Agaric (Amanita Muscaria)?
If not - it's the big red mushroom with white trim, just like popular depictions of St. Nicholas hisself. Ingesting it is fairly likely to introduce you to little elfin helpers, who will probably give you gifts, though maybe not in the form of 'things', as such. Definitely a gateway to the Little People.
Not just that, but, just like psilocybin, it remains highly active as an intoxicant long after ingestion and subsequent expulsion, meaning that the urine of an animal intoxicated on it is highly hallucinogenic - possibly through several iterations depending on the strength of the mushroom. Reindeer are extremely partial to Fly Agaric in - you guessed it - Lapland, amongst other regions where the animals co-exist with the little red&white fungus. They like it a lot, the woolly antlered fungus munching auld hippies.
It was not uncommon for indigenous peoples in these chilly regions to consume the piss of reindeer known to be consuming Fly Agaric (or being deliberately fed it, whatever), a handy way of avoiding the nausea common to initial ingestion of this potent mushroom (though obviously not so handy for avoiding the nausea that goes with drinking reindeer piss...ugh...) and subsequently 'flying around with the reindeer', Ho ho ho. Taking a ride through the skies drawn by blitzkrieg and vixen or whatever their names are.
Likely to cause a few belly laughs as well. Ho, ho, HO!
Who'd have thunk a crazy deranged hallucinogenic drugs ritual would end up codified into our culture so completely, and presented to da kidz as good family fun? It makes me all warm and runny inside. If only things were more like this generally. |