I used to work in an office on William St, which is the home, pretty much, to Sydney's street prostitution scene (or was - the council is cracking down on streetwalkers and rerouting (tee-hee) streets so that people can't kerb-crawl). For about three months, I'd get propositioned at lunch, when I went out to buy food in Kings Cross (a veritable den of sleaze, wherein I was asked if I wanted to split a cap with either the world's stupidest junkie or the world's lamest sting operation) or when I left at night.
Then, they all figured I was a local, so I got lovely conversation instead. Especially from the Samoan transvestite sexworkers, who all were built like a brick shithouse, but had the smallest voices I've ever heard, and who all blushed when you said you hoped they had a good night. |