BARBELITH underground

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Do you want to contribute articles to a magazine?

12:41 / 10.12.05
Barbedudes and -dudettes, I have a project on the way and I want your contributions. Articles, artwork, reviews of your band, comic strips etc etc. if you want exposure contact me by PM or email or if you're local meet me in the pub.
It's themed mostly on counterculture issues eco-anarchism global politics and music, aimed at younger people initially around Brighton (soon London hopefully).

I want articles, news, views, reviews, art, comedy, fun facts and fantastic fantasies, especially bands and performers to publicise and promote and regular features on how to un-fuck the world. There will be a website with streaming radio so people can hear the music and pics and bios of the bands, the zine will feature famous-ish folk and plenty of interesting features, listings, an art gallery and poets corner etc.

more anon...
23:57 / 10.12.05
I just released my first zine.
It's a lot of fun, but also a lot of work, so good luck with this one.

I'm rather busy at the moment, but I'll try to see if I can't contribute something.
Grey Cell
16:58 / 11.12.05
I've been collaborating on a local anarchist magazine and have several more artistic endaveours in the pipeline for 2006, so count me interested. PM is on the way.

My little black book is already too full to make much promises, but an occasional contribution should be possible.
17:23 / 11.12.05
If you'll have me, I'm in. I write and illustrate, and I'm very interested in How to Un-Fuck the World. Are there any submissions guidelines yet?
15:01 / 13.12.05
There won't be anything concrete for a month or so but if you can PM me your email address that would be great, in fact it's a Magazine and it will be national rather than local. (so I've amended the abstract)
16:48 / 13.12.05
It's early stages yet, but we've had some interest from major contributors whom I'll name drop when they've confirmed. The website will be named Rascal Culture and once we've got more bands bios songs and pictures I'll generally pimp it about, but I thought I'd trawl Barbelith for talent early.
Zeitgeist magazine. Think about it. Needs a strapline.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:13 / 13.01.06
Any more news on this, my seaside chum?
18:00 / 20.01.06
Meeting on Sunday, I'll update next week.
00:13 / 21.01.06
I'd really like to write something. I'm best at column type articles - stuff about random things, but I'll write on anything you like really.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:42 / 30.01.06
How'd the meeting go, Quants?
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