Spyder: Rictor was more interesting to me in this than he ever was with powers (though to be honest, I haven't read very many stories with him in them.)
I liked that we actually got a bit of an exploration of his powers and how they worked, even if it was a bit of a post-mortem. I quite liked the hint of "evolutionary arrogance" on his part - not quite Magneto levels, but it seems natural that most of the "pretty" mutants would feel some of it, somewhere.
The fine-tuning/adjustments made to Siryn's powers make her more than just Banshee's Daughter, and I hope they foreground them more than the sonic scream. It also plays more effectively into her codename.
I liked the flashbacks into how Jamie got money to upgrade X-Factor; it was a fun counterpoint to Rictor's gloom and doom. Rahne on Suicide and Japan was hilarious - I like that the hints of X-Angst were all undercut or lampooned almost as they happened, but without undermining them completely. Fine line.
Guido's not doing anything for me, yet, but I've never been big on him.
Jamie reminds me of a recent McSweeney's article, Taking My Personal Demons Out to Lunch at the Olive Garden. Specially with the issue of ambiguous duplicate sexuality.
(And who can forget members of X-Corps France imagining Jamie writhing on silk sheets with himself...) |