Hey Gang!
Here at work we need a web guru. Someone who does flash, html, whatever else, and is shit hot and a good designer as well. We want the Earth on a plate. We want it all.
But, we don't want your time. Oh no. That belongs, mostly, to you. See, you're probably a freelancer anyway, or self employed. You have clients. You're kind of busy. More wouldn't hurt, but you ain't beggin'. There's bread on your table, or there could easily be. You don't need to work for da stinkin' MAN!
What you do want, though, is a cool, groovy office, 'cos yours is either a bit manky, a bit out in the styx, or it's your house. You're ready to move. You need a change. It's a new year, and you need to shift up a gear. You want Central. You want shiny. You want warehouse conversion split level with spiral stairs. You just don't want to pay for it.
This is handy. You have something we want *a bit* of, we have something you want *a bit* of. Not only that, but we get loads of good referrals for work for people just like you! Not only that, we have a super-secret-special project that will combine your skills and ours to make a stinking great pile of cash!! It's a dream, I tells ya, a dream, and it's coming true.
Plus, we got free parking. Woohoo. In WC1, baby!
All we ask is a couple of days of your time every month to look after our web needs, that's it. For that, you get a desk in a Hott Office with a Recording Studio and loads of nutters being weird all day, but, you know, working. Weird, working nutters. You'd love this. It's the sort of envirnoment you thrive in.
Any takers? If not you, know you of someone?
Answers on a postcard to this address. |