Me and Tangent clean bad influences out of our house fairly regularly, since we both have a tendency when depressed to come home trailing low-level malevolent, um, things (we call them 'black dogs'). We use a ritual her friend taught her. I don't know that much of the thinking behind it, but it usually works (in the sense that I generally feel lighter and lighter as the ritual goes on, and sometimes feel a huge rush of euphoria at the very end).
You need a knife (I guess you could use your magical knife if you had one, we use our everyday knife because that makes more sense to us) and some salt in a little container (you'll have to guess how much salt you need - you throw the last bits out of the front door/main entrance to the house or flat).
Put your shield on at the beginning and the end of the ritual, in whatever way works for you.
Pass the knife under running water 3 times to clean it/dedicate it. Then go round every room of the house, in whatever order makes the most sense for you to end up at the front door. At every potential point of entry into the house(windows, doors, fireplaces/chimneys, vents, computer/TV screens, any particularly significant pictures etc - I do toilets and sinks as well because they scare me), do this:
stand facing the window (or whatever), a few feet back from it (or wherever you can reach). Draw a line in the air, running horizontally from one side of the window to the other, with the knife, then throw a pinch of salt at the window. Say 'In the name of the maiden, and of the mother, and of the crone' while you do this.
When you do internal doors, 'seal' them from the inside, so that you chase all the bad stuff out of the room.
Do the front door/main entrance last and throw all the remaining salt out.
Then eat some chocolate.
Like I say, I don't know much about how this works, but it always seems to work for me. I hope whatever you do it works well - what a horrible experience. Good luck. |