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The Director of Gremlins would like to eat the President

Grady Hendrix
15:29 / 03.12.05
Did anyone see Joe Dante's "Homecoming"? It's his episode of the Showtime series "Masters of Horror" and it aired last night, will air again tonight, and then continue to air through the month.

Digest summary: the American soldiers killed in Iraq crawl out of their graves and vote the President out of office.

There's a longer review of it I have up here:

But this has to be the first good movie about the War in Iraq. Forget the neutered "Over There" and throw Sam Mendes' "Iraqi Beauty" out the window. This is a movie that's incredibly engaged and watching it was a bit like seeing "Spaced". Watching "Spaced" which is basically "Friends" only with drugs and pop culture I realized how bad "Friends" was because it left out the drugs and pop culture. Watching "Homecoming" which uses stuff Americans see on the news every night to tell a story makes you realize how sissy movies are that avoid using these kind of immediate events.

Did anyone else see this?
17:17 / 03.12.05
Not seen it yet, but haven't been very impressed by MoH so far.

What's with all the quotation marks?
19:06 / 03.12.05
Ahem. Again I say, AHEM. I only do this because I love. And because Showtime is difficult to get in a campus apartment.
This Sunday
06:51 / 04.12.05
I dug it. I'm fond of delayed horror, if that's the term for it, where it's nothing visceral but an ambience or emotional impact that sits unsettlingly in the back of your brain for a bit. The satirical bits were just biting enough, and the crawl on televisions throughout were fairly witty.
What I thought would have been interesting, was to see what platform the zombies voted for, as opposed to simply who they were against.
I'm surprised more people weren't being vocal against this, really. The position, politically, was fairly blatant and seemed a little more in-touch with the average American at this point that the States' media seems happy to portray.
Did the dude who got his head smashed in resemble a certain major politician to anyone else?
Grady Hendrix
13:58 / 04.12.05
Sorry - I never know whether to use caps or quotation marks for television show names.

I counted a Bush sound-a-like, a Bill O'Reily look-a-like, a Jerry Falwell look-a-like, an Ann Coulter a-like and to me the guy who got his head bashed in was James Carville minus the accent.
20:41 / 04.12.05
Yeah, it was nicely tongue-through-cheek, but nothing to get up in arms about. Any Republican who took that seriously would be making his or her own noose. I thought it was quite fun.
20:50 / 04.12.05
I'd suggest using italics or nothing (see here)
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