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Benny the Ball
08:25 / 01.12.05
Haven't put this in policy as it is more in a chatty, conversational sense...

How much do you care about your fic-suit and how it's perceived by other posters?

Mainly asking to ask, but also because I often find myself acting dumber in character than I feel I am in real life, maybe in an attempt to distance my self from the Benny self, maybe as a safety blanket?

My connection to wireless is down at the moment, so I find myself posting infrequently also, so often feel a bit swept out of many threads because things move on quickly, so does the dumbed down poster help with this also?

Anyway, how about the rest of you? Do you feel obliged to defend your suit, or can you let things go with relative ease because it is just a suit?
09:20 / 01.12.05
Well, another poster recently pointed out to me that Smoothly is much more likable than I am in real life, so I’ve probably got the opposite problem.

To be honest, I think I find it pretty easy to separate out the different representations of myself. For example, I’m pretty good at taking criticism at work because I process it as criticism of the ‘Work Me’ which is first and foremost a subsystem within an organisation. So an observation that something is wrong with my performance feels more like an observation that something is wrong with my car. I really don’t take it personally.

I feel a bit the same about Smoothly, who is a fairly artificial, functional extension of myself. I’d rather he be liked than disliked, but it’s not a huge deal. Ficsuit is an appropriate term in the sense that criticism of SW feels to me a bit like criticism of my clothing – kinda personal, but not fundamentally troubling, and pretty easy to either address or to shrug off.
pointless & uncalled for
09:23 / 01.12.05
How much do you care about your fic-suit and how it's perceived by other posters?

I'm not so worried about the fashion implications of the double-breasting, but I do wonder if my bum looks big in this.

Obligatory barbelith witicism aside, I'm not really concerned about other people perception of me. Oddly I think that it is barbelith that has been very instrumental in enforcing confidence in myself.

I used to feel a need to attain some kind of alphaness around here when I was an eager and niave young thing, for which I dutifully hang my head in shame. These days I'm here much more for the learning than the debate and take great interest in that which doesn't soar of the capacity of my cranial contents.

Mainly asking to ask, but also because I often find myself acting dumber in character than I feel I am in real life, maybe in an attempt to distance my self from the Benny self, maybe as a safety blanket?

What are you seeking safety from?

Anyway, how about the rest of you? Do you feel obliged to defend your suit, or can you let things go with relative ease because it is just a suit?

Most of my recent controversial posting of late has been about food and as yet I haven't felt challenged to defend my position on onions in soup or which cheese makes the best sauce for mashed potatos and peas.

However, it doesn't bother me if everyone thinks of me as a blathering idiot, they'll feel my wrath when I rule the world.

Sorry, that should read, no one calls me an idiot and what I take from here is worth risk of appearing intellectually deficient.
Evil Scientist
09:35 / 01.12.05
Interesting question.

Evil Scientist isn't too different from how I am in real life, although ficsuit me is definitely more arrogant and certain about the clearly superior nature of science. But when I initially signed on at Barbelith I felt, after a year or so of lurking, that someone like that might stimulate more discussion when it joined in on certain threads.

It's not so much the ficsuit itself that I feel obliged to defend, it may be a bullheaded, narrow-minded cock on occasion but it's not intentionally offensive. I do, however, feel obliged to defend the threads that I/it start, even if they're frothy daft ones.

Obviously it's nice to know if people like you, even under the cloak of anonymity that message boards provide. I'd like to think that I get on reasonably well with most people on the site. Not necessarily agree with, but get on with.
09:38 / 01.12.05
I'm always surprised when people talk of a gulf between their on and offline personalities. I don't think of Loomis as a ficsuit but simply the login name for the real me. No doubt most of us come across differently in text than in person, but I see that as more of a byproduct of the medium rather than by choice.

If I had never met any Barbeloids in real life then I might feel differently, but I tend to view my interaction on the board as though I'm emailing people I know (even though obviously I've only met a small number of the total membership), rather than some artificial atmosphere. Maybe if I'd never glimpsed the offline Barbelith then I'd be tempted to be more confrontational or something, but probably not. Then again I don't think it's such a great idea for people to feel comfortable being rude or aggressive online when they wouldn't do it offline.
09:47 / 01.12.05

Similarly, I post as I would email people - sometimes a little thoughtlessley, but me nevertheless. My nickname IRL is Jub and so I am well used to the ficsuit as it crosses over with my meatsuit neatly.

I can only really think of one ficsuit which is at odds with the poster behind it - that is to say, clearly a ficsuit - and not just a slightly outlandish poster.
10:01 / 01.12.05
I think Loomis has summed up my own position nicely (all I can add is that any differences between myself in real life and online are due to the fact that I am speaking rather than writing). It's probably because of that that I do worry about the way I'm perceived by other posters. Mind you, I suppose it varies from poster to poster according to my opinion of them.
10:20 / 01.12.05
I'm always surprised when people talk of a gulf between their on and offline personalities. I don't think of Loomis as a ficsuit but simply the login name for the real me.

Loomis has also pretty much summed up my position nicely. I do think - and it's no great insight - that the aspects of myself I reveal can differ according to the medium, but that's it. It's funny, this ficsuit business, I feel that whilst I'm aware of the possibilities for playing with my identity online thankyouverymuch, I don't choose to. Put more flippantly/offensively: I'm over it.

My behaviour is different on the occasions in which I'm in a forum of some sort in a professional capacity (I have to host/mod elsewhere sometimes). I love Smoothly Weaving's description of a disassociating technique, but I just can't identify with that. To me it's no different than being at work in the flesh - I'm still me but I'm performing a role.

The downside to this of course, is that I don't get to shrug off personal troll attacks, general bullying, flame wars and the like as easily as some. Should I pretend that I just don't care about the time and effort I've put into contributing to a discussion with an opinion, advice, personal experience, if others then reject it? Perhaps.

Benny the Ball, is this the kind of safety that you're talking about? A sort of impermeability to assaults on your ego and self-esteem?
Benny the Ball
11:09 / 01.12.05
I guess it is. that safety of knowing that I haven't asserted my true self/opinion and so can sit back away from any criticism that my posts may receive. Plus I can always argue to myself that anything shot down is done so because it is only dumb and harmless Benny The Ball, and not me posting.
Char Aina
11:37 / 01.12.05
Do you feel obliged to defend your suit, or can you let things go with relative ease because it is just a suit?

as soon as i leave myPC i am not in barbelith, and therefore not really toksik. i am not concerned with the travails of toksik other than when i am toksik, and that means when i am logged in here.

i feel the need to defend toksik on barbelith in the same way that you would defend work-you in work; for all that it isnt the all of me, it is all of me that is here. you wouldnt let someone make your work life shit because it isnt your only life, would you? work me fights the work battles, barbelith me fights the barbelith battles, me-me doesnt really get too bothered about either.

so yeah.

i dont spend meatspace time being upset with anyone who i have problems with on here, as i am sure those folks i have met up with will be able to attest to.

shit, i defend you all when they do...
12:02 / 01.12.05

God, I wish I could do that. I tend to carry conflicts around with me wherever I go. If I get into an argument here or on a mailing list I'll have it whirring around in my head when I'm on the bus, in the bath, on the lav - once it's in my head it won't go away until it's been resolved (see my last post here). Hence I try and avoid conflict and hold my, erm, tongue whenever I can. It would probably be healthy for me to stay away from message boards altogether, really.
12:16 / 01.12.05
The divide between meatspace-me and on-line-me is non-existent in terms of personality. As others have said up-thread, the Mr Phox is just a login name, and in my case at least a convenient shield to provide a certain amount of anonymity.
I suppose the anonymity thing means I am perhaps slightly less inhibited in sharing on-line than I would be down the pub, but I am also aware of just how false the feeling of anonymity is: not only have I met other barbeloids, those who know me off line would easily be able to identify my ficscuit from details I have given.
12:19 / 01.12.05
[Nods sagely at Saveloy]

I agree (with both posts). And in fact, I have found that turning off my PC and going to do something less obsessive instead, is a good way to avoid the sort of wankers you mention and other sociopathic loons*.

*My tongue is in cheek
**Any reference to sociopathic loons, living, dead or ficsuited to the hilt, is purely coincidental.

I'm going to shut up now as I've contributed to Barbelith so infrequently that the next logical question is, "but who are you anyway?"
14:17 / 01.12.05
I post naked.

I mean, I don't distinguish between me and Quantum (Quantum is in fact my middle name) and I post how I talk. I act here pretty much the same as IRL and defend my views etc. like life.
electric monk
20:28 / 05.12.05
monk is pretty much who I am, on-board and off. I think the only difference is I'm a little more bold here than I am in meatspace. More likely to express my opinion, more verbose, a bit more polish on my statements (thank u 'Preview Reply'!), etc. I'm mostly a silent type, but this board has actually helped me become more outgoing IRL.

I would like monk to be well thought of, and like to think that I'm moving away from being a "net neutral" to a "net positive" for the board. As I become more involved with the board, I find I have a sense of responsibility toward it and the people here; a duty to do my bit.

So yeah, totally me. For better or worse.

I can only really think of one ficsuit which is at odds with the poster behind it - that is to say, clearly a ficsuit - and not just a slightly outlandish poster.

Who is it? Who is it?
Spyder Todd 2008
20:52 / 05.12.05
Spyder is Justin, Justin is Spyder. He and I stopped fighting over that a long time ago. Now, I think I come off quieter around here than I do in real life, but mostly because in real life I am surrounded by morons and feel a need to point out the bloody obvious to the rest of the species because they simply don't get it. Here, people are much smarter (that comes from good taste in literature and prime breeding, I'm sure) than out on the street. So, unless I have something intelligent/funny/clever/or just for the hell of it to say, I don't really worry about it.

Also, I live in bloody Illinois. That doesn't help the intelligence factor, I'm sure. People around here just have no class...
21:01 / 05.12.05
Your second name really is Quantum?

That's so cool.

Mine is Martin. :-(

For me ZF is just a login which I also use in places other than Barbelith.
lord henry strikes back
21:03 / 05.12.05
I don't intentionally draw a line between online me and meatspace me, but it's there. I think it's because I'm a confident public speeker, but a slow typer and an awful speller. This means that, especially in convo, where things can move so quickly, I feel outpaced in a way that I wouldn't IRL.

As much as can be Lord Henry is just me online, but the medium throws up problems.
Mourne Kransky
22:24 / 05.12.05
I post naked too.
Alex's Grandma
22:57 / 05.12.05

I'll see you and raise -

I post naked with a bottle of poppers up my nose, a noose round my neck* and an orange in my mouth.

* I'm not totally sure if this counts as 'clothes' but if it does, my apologies - I am a milquetoast.
Char Aina
06:40 / 06.12.05
Who is it? Who is it?

tom coates.
he didnt really start the board, he just pretends to. he found it one day while wandering the internet and created this mild mannered beneficent persona to beguile us into fealty.

in real life 'he' is a straight black woman who burns down comic book shops for kicks and arm wrestles for a living.
Evil Scientist
06:56 / 06.12.05
Sounds like an old girlfriend of mine.
10:52 / 06.12.05
I can't stand the term "ficsuit." I really, really don't like it.
11:43 / 06.12.05
I know what you mean Slim - but what would you propose in its stead?
11:46 / 06.12.05
"Online identity", maybe? I think most of us know what we mean by the term "fiction suit", but it does slip between the idea of "the name you use to interact with it" and "a fictional personality adopted by you", when in fact a lot of people don't think of their ficsuit as... well, fictional.
Char Aina
11:51 / 06.12.05
why not just screen name? it seems to work for most people on the internet.
unheimlich manoeuvre
11:51 / 06.12.05
I'm quite fond of the word "ficsuit". It's certainly less fancy than "nom de plume" and makes me think of Scanner Darkly, for some reason... maybe blur suits.
Damn I'm rambling.

Do I care? Yes.
Some posters post more naked than others.
I'm more assertive in real life, having been to drama school and I enjoy talking. My typing is atrocious, don't even get me started on spelling and grammar.
As has been said above much better than I could, I don't draw a line between the meat me and the online me. My limitations do.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
11:55 / 06.12.05
To derail for a sec and build on that post...

Ficsuit has always been a very lameduck to me and more akin to pet rocks than to counterculture, but I think I'm wrong.

Fiction suits are the seed of a new culture of escape that embraces the nadir of the Aquarian Age... which is due to fall in 2012 if I'm correct or the album 2112... I can't remember. An ass I know once cleverly explained the Aquarian Age as a time where everyone is closer and further apart than ever before at the same time. Message Boards, internet, etc. Dunno if it applies to be honest, but I think he's right... though still an ass.

Grant saw a lot of things coming down the pike with Invisibles, including his own selling out to first Marvel and then DC as KM sold out in the end, much to the chagrin of Jack Frost who still held onto some mad dream of revolution while the rest of the world danced to the rhythm. One of his visions was the fiction suit which others can expand upon to their own joy far better than I can, but in reality it is what others have posted on above; a desire to escape self in a make believe world that exists so long as everyone involved maskes believe it does.

On message boards everyone can escape the troubles of the real world to be anything they want, why not be Spider Jerusalem clones smoking make believe cigarettes and drinking make believe whiskey while ignoring their mother/father/guardian/roomate's screams to come back to the real world. So long as the dreamworld holds together, the more perfect make believe is secure and for all appearances, more appealing.

'Course that's an extreme example to explain the broader concepts I'm shooting at, but when I see ppl posting about their other personas and how much they prefer them to their off-board selves , not only can't I relate, but it worries me. I know that most of the posters on this board are pretty secure in themselves (well as much as any of us are), but the embracing of the concept to the point of being self-conscious about your fantasy image... it's, well... creepy to me.

I understand the appeal and reasoning behind it, I just can't relate.

I honestly post here as myself, getting angry, hurt, excited and silly as myself. And I'm always getting reminded that I'm in a minority in that respect, but it's a major misstep on my part. It's like playing D&D and making your character you... what's the point in that!?
Mister Six, whom all the girls
12:02 / 06.12.05
To be honest, my above reply is more to previous experiences with such persona issues online elsewhere.

There was someone I was trying to start a comic company with who was more than happy to admit posting under several different screen names, each with its own purpose and persona... often times fighting each other.
12:09 / 06.12.05
Yeah, we used to do that. It got shut down because people were abusing it. Shame, that.

On message boards everyone can escape the troubles of the real world to be anything they want, why not be Spider Jerusalem clones smoking make believe cigarettes and drinking make believe whiskey while ignoring their mother/father/guardian/roomate's screams to come back to the real world.

No reason at all, although they probably won't be very good at it or much fun to read. Most people on the Interent aren't very nuanced or convincing as themselves.
electric monk
12:11 / 06.12.05
tom coates.

Tricksy hobbit. Full of lies he is, Precious.
Evil Scientist
12:19 / 06.12.05
I can't stand the term "ficsuit." I really, really don't like it.

I quite like it myself. My rpg group have started using it in joking reference to the characters they play as. It's quite common for someone to say "Your fictionsuit is slipping a bit." when someone's putting their goals (as a Player) in front of their goals (as a Character).

I suppose it depends on the context it is used in. On Barbelith, reference to a ficsuit doesn't always necessarily mean anything other than the name used by a particular member. Although, I am open to the possibility that there are members who affect certain personality quirks in their interaction with others on the boards.

Of course, we could all be wearing ficsuits and pretending that our Barbelith personalities are our real world ones.

I myself could well be a gorgeous skinny Japanese girl operating out of a recording studio in LA. Maintaining a complicated dummy postal address in Surrey to throw Dance Card posters off the scent.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
12:26 / 06.12.05
That would explain my strange attraction to you.
12:38 / 06.12.05
posting under several different screen names, each with its own purpose and persona... often times fighting each other.

it would never happen here.
12:51 / 06.12.05
Evil Scientist, you mean that was all LIES?! You're not really Yukio?! FUCKER! No giant death rays for you bitch, build your own Galactus suit *sob* I had such sweet visions of our meatspace union, I am heartbroken and crushed.

Your second name really is Quantum?

Yup. As a result I'm honour bound to know about quarks and electrodynamics so that when challenged I can say "Of course I'm sure, Quantum is my middle fricking name".
My other middle name is Fierdash, no lie. Hippy parents.

I can't seem to shake the thought of Xoc posting nekkid.

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