To derail for a sec and build on that post...
Ficsuit has always been a very lameduck to me and more akin to pet rocks than to counterculture, but I think I'm wrong.
Fiction suits are the seed of a new culture of escape that embraces the nadir of the Aquarian Age... which is due to fall in 2012 if I'm correct or the album 2112... I can't remember. An ass I know once cleverly explained the Aquarian Age as a time where everyone is closer and further apart than ever before at the same time. Message Boards, internet, etc. Dunno if it applies to be honest, but I think he's right... though still an ass.
Grant saw a lot of things coming down the pike with Invisibles, including his own selling out to first Marvel and then DC as KM sold out in the end, much to the chagrin of Jack Frost who still held onto some mad dream of revolution while the rest of the world danced to the rhythm. One of his visions was the fiction suit which others can expand upon to their own joy far better than I can, but in reality it is what others have posted on above; a desire to escape self in a make believe world that exists so long as everyone involved maskes believe it does.
On message boards everyone can escape the troubles of the real world to be anything they want, why not be Spider Jerusalem clones smoking make believe cigarettes and drinking make believe whiskey while ignoring their mother/father/guardian/roomate's screams to come back to the real world. So long as the dreamworld holds together, the more perfect make believe is secure and for all appearances, more appealing.
'Course that's an extreme example to explain the broader concepts I'm shooting at, but when I see ppl posting about their other personas and how much they prefer them to their off-board selves , not only can't I relate, but it worries me. I know that most of the posters on this board are pretty secure in themselves (well as much as any of us are), but the embracing of the concept to the point of being self-conscious about your fantasy image... it's, well... creepy to me.
I understand the appeal and reasoning behind it, I just can't relate.
I honestly post here as myself, getting angry, hurt, excited and silly as myself. And I'm always getting reminded that I'm in a minority in that respect, but it's a major misstep on my part. It's like playing D&D and making your character you... what's the point in that!? |