I was going to stick these in that thread where Anna talked about meeting the snake in London that looked like a copperhead, but I can't find that thread for the life of me. So I put them here.
So. Sometimes, people say to me, "Grant -- you've just had Hurricane Epsilon. Why do you live in Florida?"
I live in Florida because it's a vibrant place, full of life, welcoming all kinds of immigrants from all over the tropics. Like this guy, who turned up in our yard last Friday.

In case you don't have a good sense of scale, that fence is around shoulder height at the point closest to the canal, and the log is as big around as my thigh is long.

I figure from the tip of his very long tail to his bulging, muscular jaws, this creature was about five feet long.

Long tail, see? I have no idea where he came from. Did he swim there? He was just sitting there, hanging out. Didn't move, even when I got right up close.

Then, when I went out to the dock to try for a better angle, I found why Boss Bull Iguana was so relaxed.

He'd brought reinforcements.
This guy, who was probably more like three feet long, just dove right into the canal as soon as he saw me.
I really wonder, though. A few months back, there were a couple young gators who'd set up shop in that canal. I can't help but wonder if this guy had anything to do with their disappearance.
I've read that these iguanas are peaceful vegetarians, but this one -- he just had a smug look about him. |