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The Boondocks Animated Series

Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:04 / 24.11.05
The Comic.

The Animated Series Website.

"How many times have I told you, you better not even dream of tellin' the white folk the truth! Shoot, makin' white folk riot, you better learn how to lie like me. I'm gonna find me a white man and lie to him right now!"

So, I've been downloading it from Torrent Spy and it looks pretty good. But then I've only been reading the comic for about three weeks, so wonder what other people think?

"I think the N word is okay as long as they say it."
07:30 / 25.11.05
It's funny. Don't care for the strip but then I dont care for most strips. The animation is pretty dreadful but then I watch it for the characters and the jokes.
11:44 / 25.11.05
I love the strip, and apart from the very first scene of the very first episode (quoted above), can't stand the cartoon. The intelligent hateful humour from the strip is mostly absent and replaced with kidslapping/prostiution/piss-jokes which are less my thing.
Plus, the voices don't work for me, especially not with Huey.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
05:41 / 29.11.05
Same here. Love the strip, but whatever it is that makes it stick together and be insightful and cynical and clever all at once, and include the line "Last month you attacked the principal with three different kinds of kung-fu" (Riley to Huey, who was attempting to explain the virtues of non-violence) is not present in the show. And the voices are mostly ass.
But I'm willing to give it a chance.
14:47 / 13.10.07
It has been a while, but I figured it might be good to recap the latest of Boondocks.

I've been a big fan for a while. While I agree that the earlier episodes do not convey the values of the original strip, the rest of season one really did fill out the quirkiness of the strip.

The newest seasons feels more and more like the strip. The latest episode, where Sarah ends up dating Usher, is awesome. On the surface, it really is funny with the wimpiest guy on the show ending up having to be tutored by a pimp as to how to act like a man, which makes fun of both overt african american macho masculinity and modern day masculinity.

You can watch the latest episodes online

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