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Lurid Archive
13:03 / 23.11.05
I watched El Aura the other day, without knowing very much about the film, largely on the strength of my enjoyment of Neuve reinas which was a fun con movie.


El aura is completely different, so in some ways that was a mistake. While they both star Ricardo Darín, this film is really rather slow paced and much more about reflecting on the inner life of Darín's epileptic taxidermist with delusions of criminality.

At times, it does step up a notch when it takes on the guise of a heist movie, playing out the imagined plans that Darín explains to others but mostly it steps back and just watches the main character coping with guilt, greed, jealosy and fear. Although I liked the understated humour and the performances, I'm not sure the film really worked for me. Partly, this is because although we see everything from the point of view of the main character, I never really cared about him or what he did. His reserved manner more or less cut me off feeling that there was anything at stake and at one point I was convinced (and this was deliberate) that the whole film was an epilepsy induced fantasy. So while it wasn't all a dream and he didn't wake up, I didn't feel that he'd really gone anywhere much either, despite the killing and money. Partly this was the point, that his adventure made him more content with his drab life, but the overall effect was to distance me from it.
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