Hey DT, one these people is not like the others, one of these people is not the same! Oh, damn, it's me: I'm the black sheep!
What I mean by that nonsense is that I am of the mindset that you don't necessarily need anything to do a ritual beyond your imagination and your will.
It is said that Greek orators remembered long speeches by writing each word of their speech on a column that existed in their mind's eye, then, when it came time to deliver the speech, they'd simply walk through a long corridor of columns reading off the words in the order that they appeared.
So, I have a temple that exists in my mind. It takes a little practice to get a good solid visualization going that is easy to access and consistent, but once you have your basic framework, then you've got access to anything you need: eye of newt, goat's breath, fiery ice, whatever you need! Of course, the cost to you is some of your time and will to make it happen.
Then again, there is something to be said for expression of ritual in the "material" world as well! My message to you is that material props are not always necessary, and the broke magician doesn't need to spend time fretting about not being able to purchase candles and the like: the imagination has the best warehouse of goods that you might ever need!
Berkeley's brain was an idea in his mind,
2 + 3 = 0 (mod 5) |