I have to say that, in my experience, arguing God with the faithful can be a pointless and frustrating experience. as Ender said, they'll usually be trying to convert you during the discussion, and you can never, ever win, or even draw (like saying "Fair enough, that's what you think, you could be right". Hell, I've said that enough times, but no religious person I've ever met has said that to me).
I'm agnostic myself, with the scales leaning more towards the "God probably does/did exist" side than t'other, but I wouldn't say I 'believe' in the traditional sense, as most of my ideas on theology come from excessive mushroom consumption, and admitting that in Christian circles will usually lose you friends (well, it has me at least).
That said, I think the world would be more interesting, at least, if the people with strong beliefs were prepared to have them questioned, or to analyse why they believe what they do.
Matt's opeing statement rang very true to me, and I've often considered the idea of a "God-shaped-hole" (not sure who I stoke that idea from, but the name certainly ain't mine). I think that everyone has a God-shaped hole, and it depends what people fill it with. Personally, I fill mine with music. It's what I live and breathe, and very few things can give you the emotional rush of a fantastic peice of music, or lurching about, sweaty with a guitar in hand... *sigh* THAT's God, for me at least.
Other people have their own stuff to fill up on - football, cars, books, writting, the opposite sex, even God! I say this because all the real hard-core Christians and Muslims I've met don't have time or the passion for very much else, apart from their faith. Whereas the faithless are the ones that have the little obsessions that drive most of us along.
Anyway, cool topic, lets dig. |