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Studentus The Wise

All Acting Regiment
10:42 / 09.11.05
One of my friends has written this satirical article for his student magazine and would like us to criticise it for him. I can't see this being a problem, so here it is:

The Revelations Of Studentus The Wise

Yea, for it be I, Studentus the Wise, your enlightened master, who knows all there is to know about the world. Prostrate yourself on my tiles while I graciously outline to you the neophyte the articles of my great and true faith, and most importantly the difference between Good and Evil, which are not always easily apparent to the uneducated fools around us.

First, the parable of the shoes. Let it be known that if you should buy Nike trainers, you have fallen into the grip of the Evil One! The true believer must wear Converse all-stars. Ignore those who will tell you that Nike Incorporated owns Converse Footwear, or that Converse trainers are made by the same south-Asian children in the same sweatshops as Nike Classics. These people are fools, and you shall tell them in no uncertain terms that yea, if you buy Converse you are sticking it to the man, man, just like that Niel out of the Matrix, whereas he who buys Nike is like totally a sheep.

Now to Beer. Let it be known that the true believer may get as bladdered as he likes, all night and every night, and that he may of course use his Father's money to accomplish this. Likewise, a young lady of the faith may spend her government grant on Red Bull and Vodkas with impunity, for yea, these actions are absolutely the cool thing to do. Why bother getting a job, dude? On the other hand if those dirty council estate people continue to get drunk in the park on benefit money, that's completely different and evil and horrid.

Let it be known also that there be a correct way in which to purchase a kebab. What you must absolutely not do is display any kind of respect or friendship towards the staff of the shop, for you are Students and they are your Servants! They're probably dirty immigrants anyway, and like your dad says, they're destroying the country! One way you can strike back at them is, instead of saying “Large Donner when you're ready please, mate”, just mumble and scowl at them. Or shout. Also, make loads of comments about how dirty the shop is. The serious believer will also accuse the staff of looking at his girlfriend funny.

Indeed, let me talk on the subject of women, for yea, there be a right way and a wrong way for them to behave. Firstly, wearing a tracksuit is absolutely out of the question (unless it's a retro track jacket from Affleck's, duh), as is dyeing your hair blonde or wearing gold jewelery. Blonde hair? Gold jewelery? Are we living in bizarro world?

Secondly, any young single mothers out there are just dirty! Oh totally! It's all their fault they've got a child at 19 and if it was you you'd give it up for adoption in a heartbeat. Let it be known that to make loud, snide remarks about their looks, their hairstyle, even their baby, is absolutely acceptable and should be done as often as possible. If you can't do it in real life, then do it in a humorous article for a student magazine or the Daily Telegraph colour supplement (a great read, by the way)! It's important that you spread the message of the faith! Yea, what the world needs is more witty articles about Chavs!

I, Studentus the wise, grow tired now, and must retreat to my hermitage. Before I go, have a look at my cool new £999999 backlit turbo-iPod 600 I bought with my loan. Notice that much thought goes into the selection of my play list. I've got that cool Kaiser Chiefs song, yea, about how you should stay in and not go out because a girl with no clothes on might get leary and ask for a condom in a tracksuit. As a rule you should listen to individualistic, innovative bands like them because they write proper songs, not like Girls Aloud who are dirty and fake and people dance to them.

I leave you to strive for The Faith. Doherty Bless.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:50 / 09.11.05
Hmm. I tend to agree with all the individual points made - ie, I find all the individual attitudes being satirised to be exasperating, or risible, or worse. And it's true that many of these attitudes tend to arrive together in the form of a certain worldview. However, I'm not keen on the use of "Studentus" - not all students think like that, and a lot of people who aren't students do...
Char Aina
14:22 / 09.11.05
what he said.
it could also go further.
it could condemn more.
All Acting Regiment
15:44 / 09.11.05
I like your point Petey. I thought it would be better with a generic "wiseman" name. On the other hand it is for a student paper, which I think is where the name came from.

Toksik- do you think there should be swearing and violence a la Charlie Brooker, or did you have something else in mind?
All Acting Regiment
15:58 / 09.11.05
Oh and as well I'm informed that it's meant as a reaction against various articles already printed in the same paper- namely one called "Asbo Nation", a "humorous" look at "the rise of antisocial behaviour in Britain", a large part of which involved the author fantasising about blowing up council estates, and then concluded with "We shouldn't wait for the government to sort out our Scallies, we should do it ourselves!"

Following this there's been a weekly feature called "Sponsor A Scally", which I'm looking at now and would be shockingly hateful if it wasn't so shockingly stupid. Basically, they get their "scally" and every week he has to give up part of his "misguided lifestyle". He has to "leave his comfort zone", indeed.
Char Aina
15:59 / 09.11.05
something else.
i was thinking make it more grotesque.
i reckon the people being satirised can say worse, and this should do likewise.
maybe the author is trying to stay well within what is more common, but my research tells me that people are commonly quite fucking awful.

i'm sure lots of swearing would make it crap.
08:27 / 10.11.05
While lots of swearing wouldn't necessarily make it crap, it would be very easy for it to do so. (Unless your mate actually is Charlie Brooker, obviously. If, on the other hand, he's Garth Ennis, tell him not to use any swearing at all.)

I agree with toksik- it reads like there's bile and vitriol in there, but is being a little restrained in expressing it. Go for the jugular.

Other than that, though, it reads pretty well. I'd like to read a later version, if indeed there is one. It'd stand on its own as it is, but I think it could be... more.
13:02 / 11.11.05
I agree with pretty much all of the stuff in here, with a couple of caveats.

Firstly, I think that the Doherty Bless line is wicked, and must not be removed.

However, I agree with Stoatie, that it seems a little restrained. I also think that the attack it's aimed squarely at a certain type of indie-kid. The type, while risible, isn't the only kind of wanky faux-mature studenty types.

I think the author should be more indescriminate, scattershot with his attcks. What does the author believe in/identify with? Why not rip that to shreds too? As I read the piece, I can feel smug, because I'm pretty much the opposite of this characature. How about some pops at kids in bands that think they're the coolest fuckers in the place? The drum'n'bass freaks with their crazy dreaded hair? The girls that still talk incessantly about Sex and the City even though it ended years ago?

I think each studie-type should be ridiculed, becuase thats what they, and by that I mean 'we' and 'I', too, need. Put us in our place!

Pretty good apart from that though.
Jack Vincennes
08:47 / 12.11.05
What other people have said, and a couple of really wee things -I think that the reference to the price of the iPod kind of distracts from the fact that 'turbo-iPod' is good enough in its own right; if someone has a turbo-iPod it's obviously going to be expensive, having a fake price there just seems a bit heavy handed.

Also, is vodka and red bull generally considered a 'girl's drink'? I don't remember it being such...
12:48 / 12.11.05
I wouldn't go with swaring, i just think it's too overused and doesn't really accomplish anything. One of our student papers uses shit and bitch every other word and it just takes away from any content that could have actually been in the piece.
also, your parable of the shoe is not actually a parable at all. I'm unclear if this is on purpose or not, and so it should at the very least be re-examined.
If you are going to take an intellectually superior stance then it should be done with close attention to details in my opinion otherwise you just end up looking like a wanker.
remember 'Wit is King'.
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