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New Forum Proposal


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12:45 / 07.11.05
14:30 / 07.11.05
All the forums are fucking shit up forums, pussy preacher.
15:30 / 07.11.05
It collapsed due to an internal dispute between those who felt "shit" and "up" should have capitals and those who didn't.
Bitter, it was. Bitter.
11:35 / 08.11.05
We're living it, baby.
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
12:20 / 08.11.05
I've long thought that we need a weapons forum. Maybe called The Armoury. Anything from how to make them, where to procure them, how do get them without conspicious things like serial numbers, techniques for using them... perhaps even a swap shop. What do you guys think?

Great idea SZA. We could even have weapons testings Barbmeets & slaughter fundays. I'm getting a little lonely up this bell tower, i'm bored of all the guns i've got up here & would be happy to do swaps with some Barbies.
pointless & uncalled for
14:13 / 08.11.05
You better start believing in a ducking shit up forum missy, your in one.

pointless & uncalled for
14:14 / 08.11.05
We need a forum for idiots that can't type properly.
15:09 / 08.11.05
We're living it, baby.
04:01 / 18.11.05
armoury... hmm, seth, nice concept. but how about 'armoury & pantry'? then we could discuss the subtleties of boring out long barrels for precision weaponry and the tensile strength of different woods for a long-bow, while simultaneously elucidating on the best method for boiling eggs to go with that traditional caesar salad, served with a chilled alsation reisling, of course...
09:20 / 18.11.05
I thought you and I were going to have our own nice cup of tea and some TV sci-fi forum, Deva...
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:23 / 18.11.05
I've changed my mind on this issue now. I now think we should have both a Food forum and a Weapons forum, on the condition that they replaced the Comics forum and Film/TV/'Theatre' forum.
Jack Fear
11:01 / 18.11.05
Oh, go on. You love it really.
pointless & uncalled for
11:49 / 18.11.05
Excellent idea Petey. After that we can do away with that Music Forum and set up an Anti-Magic forum for everyone who wants to point at that bunch of pointy-hatted wierdos.
22:06 / 18.11.05
What we really need is the Facial Facial Face Forum, devoted entirely to Michael Hair. XX
04:11 / 19.11.05
What we really need is the Facial Facial Face Forum

And I thought you meant bukkake. Now there's a forum to replace the loathesome HeadShop with its disgusting ideas. Blech. Who needs those flopping all over the place?
All Acting Regiment
11:52 / 19.11.05
Cock forum.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:04 / 19.11.05
Kitten forum. A dedicated area of the board in which to post pictures of baby animals.
12:47 / 19.11.05
Yes. The "Lovely Pictures For Haus" thread could be separated by category (tapirs, kittens, puppies- PUPPIES!!!, whatever) and we'd have at least a couple of pages' worth of threads already.

Or we could combine it with the Weapons forum, and have an "armed baby animals" forum.
15:48 / 19.11.05
Or we could rename Barbelith The Racy Sexy Place, a cunning ruse to lure all the world's racists and sexists into one place with the promise of lewd fun.

Then we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. XX
electric monk
16:50 / 20.11.05
Load the rhetoric cannons!

Arm the photon torpedos!

Set Intelligence to 'Stun'!

Sharpen your beards!



Cat Chant
09:53 / 21.11.05
I thought you and I were going to have our own nice cup of tea and some TV sci-fi forum, Deva...

The longer this thread continues, the more I feel the need for it. Next to the Baby Animals forum and far, far away from the Armoury, perhaps?

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