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Robbie Williams: a 'lither?


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13:39 / 05.11.05
...says the man with a partner that obsessively watches and dissects Big Brother? Pot/Kettle?

Neither, really. I'm not entirely sure what my love of Big Brother has to do with Xoc's opinions of anything...
14:31 / 05.11.05
YR MY OWN JOY: I'm saying false...

Wonderful, this means that you will put me to the test..

LEGBA REX: Many religious peoples are crying about the anti-christ is coming etc yet as usual good religious flocks are completely blinded by the reality..
Would these be the same flocks who want intelligent design taught in science lessons, then?

The religious flocks that I accuse of being blind, roam the masses who can not help themselves but to follow the doctrines-laws of their religion. Those who advocate Intelligent design do have motives ..and it involves teachings about extra terrestrial live..others simply have had enough of the fabled Genesis concerning humanity and the creation of all living beings.

EON: Either that or he really believes everything he's just typed, in which case this already has the makings of a brilliant thread.

Very inviting.

TOM TITS TOT: Well, ReformedRobotMan? Is this a genuine belief you've stated, or just a momentary lapse?

It’s a believe..that is based on findings..

ALEX’S GRANDMA: Actually, I didn't mean to be flippant RRM (sorry if I came across that way!)
You seem to have access to strands of information that I find a little disturbing, like being poked on the nose by a pencil or something, like that, but I appreciate that it's my fear of the unknown that makes me feel this way.

You can be as flippant as you like to be..I love good humour. No need to say sorry. And of course this is disturbing ..which has nothing to do with a fear of the unknown, that is in my eyes, but more with the What if..scenario??

MORDANT CARNIVAL: Pinches bridge of nose, sighs*

Hi Mordant..I value a good memory and I appreciate your little info towards those who do not know

>”Hilarious hi-jinks ensued, including lengthy "proofs" that bread is laced with mind-controlling drugs, six-page cut'n'posted conspiracy threads, thinly-veiled threats of violence and completely unveiled anti-semitism.
**Sorry, pedophillians. Who were lizards who could shapeshift.

Lizards.. Reptilians..being able to dilute in reality of humans, by making them see that what they wish for the human to see.. Mutated beings resembling humans..roaming our inner earth, in bad need of human blood-meat-organs-stem-cells to be able to survive and sex to be able to enjoy themselves.

TOM TITS TOT: Yeowch. I wouldn't know what to say. It seems pointless to try and converse with an individual that not only believes in their own superiority (we are AWAKE you are ASLEEP) but also in the objective existence and machiavellian plotting of Child-Predating Vampiric Aliens.

We are awake you are asleep.. has nothing to do with believing in ones own’s a fact of our times.. orchestrated from above…not by aliens, even that many believe they have a part in this process, its orchestrated by the planets esp. the SUN.

Medical fact..we have certain blood types, that can not survive unless they have access to blood.
Fact during the hundreds years of slavery..they hanged the slaves by their feet upside down, hands tied on the backs, throat slit open, over a bucked in order to drain the blood, they need/ed for consumption.
Fact back in them days, the Christians took their religious doctrines a bit to serious, Eat my Body Drink my Blood was taken literally , they killed in order to drink the blood and eat the meat while having their mass.

Fact we have human side is getting finally out in the open, and has generated humans who are trying to fight against esp. child trafficking. The other side is about to be the next few years, if not sooner..this side is human trade, such as prisoners..or as of birth if you belong to the lower classes or if you are a descendent of former slave, who had been freed by the scheme of Manus Missie letter..issued out as of 1863..the abolishment of slavery never happened..and if you are born in a kingdom.well this means that by law you are a vessel/vassal or bondsman.
Human trade can be seen in the stockmarkets..Bonds, Commodities, Assets and Securities are all words used for this trade, and prisons are referred to as Warehouses. Almost every country in the world plays this human-trade game. Your name and social security number are the only ingredients needed.

Fact the many adoption agencies in the Europe ..have been proven to consist of many paedophiles and are owned by their agents, who buy or simply steal pass the child on to peadophilians. Those who found out became whistlerblowers..and pointed their fingers, after they started to follow the trails seeking out the parents who adopted these children, discovering that these parents do not exist and the children could not be found.
Result in 2005..certain Asian countries..Latin American countries..former soviet countries and African countries have closed their borders for these European countries adoption agencies..
This was in the news and can easily be found on the net..the governments of these countries have stated loud and clear that certain European countries and the States their inhabitants are not allowed to adopt their children..fact currently we see the liquidation of many peadophilians around the world..

Fact around 30, others insist on 50 million children disappear yearly for the last x amount of years, especially from Africa Asian and Former Soviet countries as well as from Russia
Example, during the Tsunamy madness in Asia day they discovered that all the children who were in on rescue area, put together, that the whole rescue camp was empty..all children gone..the story can be found on the net.
Fact we have private blood banks, that do not serve the common people at all, but are intended for those who need to consume human blood..yet its only a small group that uses these blood banks ( also a stockmarket trade topic, just as they trade in human DNA, stem-cells and organs)
Those we call vampires can not consume adult blood, the sex hormones seem to be bad for them..they need Virgin Blood. Which has nothing to do with someone never having had sex, but all to do with childrens blood who did not hit puberty yet..and as the age where most children start to puber has gone down, and as such has the need for babies and the very young children grown, and do we see more and more children disappear in seemingly thin air.
And then we have of course the need for the RNA brain fluid, dubbed the Methusalah enzyme. The RNA maintains the memory..and those who want to live forever are in urgent need of a regular RNA fluid shot, and the most valuable RNA brain fluid is of course from those who have not accumulated to much memory of their own.
There are many private clinics guarded like the world bank, around our world, where the elite of our world can get their goodies from in order to stay young and live for as long as their bodies let them.

Regarding the pedo powers ruling our world? Anyone seen MTV awards in Lisboa/Portugal 2 days ago?
What did you see? Pedopower right in your face..the opening act..little children in pink bed clothing..this freak Borat singing I believe the children are the future..then the word Sex Sex appearing in the back ground, and the song turning into I wanna sex you up ..the little girls going wild trying to move sexy pulling their pyama’s of and him ripping the cloths of children? His jokes show clear, that his favourite bedtime reading book is the Talmud..masturbation jokes, anal sex jokes, feces jokes and sounds..pedo jokes while offering the child to this singer who had his pants stolen by the little boy? Insulting many… Commercials everywhere using little children in sexual positions, such as we can see clearly in the Netherlands on TV and Bilboards..beating up children also a new trend to be seen in commercials from health insurance clips using little children more and more..and the fashion world seeking to be able to use little girls as of the age of 3, such as they did back in the sell clothes to mummies.

Vodaphone..another corporate..that loves to use hard core porn to sell its new phones..
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:55 / 05.11.05
Yes, it's simply shocking that Sacha Baran-Cohen still gets work these days. Next year it'll probably be the guy from Bo Selecta.

Anyway, I suggest RRM and Morpheus get a room. Their delusions nicely compliment one another.

Vampire Polar bears are swimming for their lives...
14:55 / 05.11.05
You're gonna have to link some of that shit because I'm not going to start believing any of that just because you've wrote it.

That's one crazy picture you're painting.
Phex: Dorset Doom
17:19 / 05.11.05
The horrible thing is ze will link that shit; the whole 'Vampire reptile jews drink infant blood' takes up a bigger slice of Internet than bittorrent.
And has anybody noticed that none of these weirdos (RRM, Morpheus etc.) ain't so hot on the whole 'spelling/grammar' deal? FACT: this is becase they eat proteins from christian churches while performing there voodo dancings, WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!11!!11!

As for Robbie, d'ya know he's moving in three miles from my frakin' house, into a manor in Milborne Port, Dorset. I personally plan to present him with a leather bound edition of 'STRONG TRUTH! tEh best of Barbelith's anti-semite lizard wackos' (2005, Harvard Univiersity press) at the first available opportunity.
Bed Head
17:35 / 05.11.05
Blimey, you live in *Dorset*, Phex? I always thought you lived in New York or somewhere like that. Somewhere edgy and with-it.

Unless of course you do, and you meant Robbie Williams is moving to Dorset, New York, in which case ho ho isn’t life funny I thought you meant etc aaaargh.
Phex: Dorset Doom
18:03 / 05.11.05
Well, it's more like I used to live in Dorset, and will return . Currently I'm residing in the deeply edgy, totally with-it city of Portland, Oregon, United States of Gawd-Bless America.
Also, I've just noticed that in a post in which I berated good ol' RRM for poor spelling, I mispelt 'freaking' as 'fraking'. It was a Battlestar Galactica reference. Honest.
21:19 / 05.11.05
Milborne Port? You're fucking kidding.

I nearly got killed there once, in about 1990 (well, a severe beating anyway- although an offensive weapons arrest was definitely on the cards). That's no joke. Well, it became a funny story later, but at the time was pretty damn scary. So scary in fact that I was actually happy to return to Yeovil that night. And that's not something I say lightly.
21:58 / 05.11.05
Mutated beings resembling humans..roaming our inner earth, in bad need of human blood-meat-organs-stem-cells to be able to survive and sex to be able to enjoy themselves.

Hold on a second - did we date in high school?
22:12 / 05.11.05
Haus- you'd never have dated someone with such poor grammar.
13:45 / 06.11.05
I'm not going to start believing any of that just because you've wrote it.

he's got you rattled though innee fireman?
Evil Scientist
14:37 / 06.11.05
the story can be found on the net.

As can many, many stories. Being on the internet doesn't make it true RRM.

But what do I know? I'm just a lizard.
15:47 / 06.11.05
Really, truly, there is no point saying anything. It's just a blessing that we're not treated to Layla posts very frequently.
20:21 / 06.11.05
he's got you rattled though innee fireman?

Nah, some of it's just so wierd though it's unreal.
21:25 / 06.11.05
eon- please. Take it from me. Just DON'T.
13:02 / 07.11.05
RRM - fascinating, if only as a glimpse into some major paranoid fantasies.

Y'see?? This is what happens when you eat a load of mushrooms and read David Icke! Seriously though, please do link to some of the outrageous stuff you've quoted in your diatribes, it makes for great reading, regardsless of what we sleeping peeps think of it.

Your comments about the camps full of kids going missing following the tsunami was disturbing though. Where's your proof? The Catch 22 here though, is that if there is a site saying explicitly what you said, it could have been written by anyone. And, if there isn't, then 'they' have taken it down.

Still who am I to judge? I just have a more positive take on the apocalypse (Time machine GO!).
13:12 / 07.11.05

You're gonna have to link some of that shit because I'm not going to start believing any of that just because you've wrote it.
That's one crazy picture you're painting.

Of course, I have to and I will do so.
But in order to understand the many weirds, one has to start’s a game of follow the trail.

We have the issue of Aliens, who have been on this earth for the longest.
Now if we take the findings of Dino’s and we look at all the skeletons they found of these could argue that at that time there must have been Dino’s resembling human form, one could say or assume that they had a certain and higher intelligence then we have humans possess. Here one could say; they are the lizards and reptilians who eat humans.
One could argue ..what if these human formed Dino’s somewhere went underground due to other aliens ( resembling humans) coming down to earth..these aliens would be the ones needing human blood-stemcells-brains/fluid, the gentic makeup of humans, researching the human DNA etc all in order to be able to survive and slowly taking on real human forms, enabling them at some time, to be able to walk our planet, unseen at first sight.
The Dogon tribe of Africa, who have tails and symbols and writings , or better said codes, that tell the story of the universe and knew about a start system that was not discovered yet by our modern science. their stories tell about those who came from above and who will return once more, in the end of times such as told by the Maya time calendar date 2012.

Many original ( yet not quit that original to the planet earth, as many insist) native inhabitants of the official first worlds, now dubbed the third world countries, have tales or myths if you insist, that tell about those who came from above, even the white religions have these stories. Yes they did their best to change the tales, and by this attribute god like powers to their many so called holy human-man who had visions and insisted that god talked to them, or that god dictated his the form of Laws, and gave this to a entity dubbed Moses for instance.

The oldest arts show aliens in many ways. An artist must become inspired to Imagine and create as such. Inspiration comes from daily life and events and believes of the time the art was produced. Arts always reflect the political situation and believes and horrors of its time. Trough arts the many tried to warn, expose and tell. Just as Arts was used to make those who came from later a generation, believe certain told truths about the past that never occurred.
The entertainment world, became the new Painter of the many hidden truths, trying to make humans believe faked together historical events, that never happened. Entertainment was and is used to warn, tell and make the audience see that what must remain hidden within a society, in order for the audience never being able to believe things told to them, when it concerns a topic that has been ridiculed or turned into some fantastic movie/tale.

If I was an alien, like I believe them to be, I would take control over the medical-educational-political-religious and esp. the entertainment world.
They could have never gotten this far, if it were not for the entertainment world. He who controls the medium, controls the world. If one looks at old contract books from Holywood, one can not deny the exact same way of writing as the protocols of the elders of Zion, which by the way stands for 360 degrees., taking you to the 36 degree and pulling you towards the 10 Sephirot of the Kabala tree of life.

Next to aliens being shown everywhere, another thing can be witnessed, violence, abduction of females and children, brute massacres and Vampyres and Vrykolakas ( Slavic for werewolves ) and many other monsters.
Even that the practise of vampirism was an ancient one, the term vampire was not born until 1726 , due to the huge Vampirism that occurred during the Plague.
The oldest vampire image was found from Ancient Persia, showing a large human like creature, bending down over its young male victim trying to drink his blood
Yet , the oldest myths about vampirism dates back to 900/1200 B.C
1047-- A Russian prince is referred to in a document as "Upir Lichy", or wicked vampire. This may be the first appearance of the word.
1190-- Walter Map's De Nagis Curialium includes accounts of vampiristic creatures in England.
1196-- William of Newburgh's Chronicles records several stories of vampiristic revenants in England.

France has also a tale and historical facts, the Hausman Boulevard.
At a certain time a certain elite group came from Egypt, to hide in France, Paris was their location, they went underground. Paris has way to many humans disappearing.. vampirism everywhere..until one day Hausman was asked to help..he burned the whole area in order to rid Paris of the vampires..many bodies were burnt to death in the underground, and constructed the Hausman Boulevard upon this underground.

As vampirism and cannibalism goes all the way back in ancient times, one can assume, that this officially was practiced by non humans firstly=those who came from above and later became a thing of certain human bloodlines, who mated with these non humans, and as such new breeds of humans were born who needed blood as well, yet were able to live above ground, in contrast to its ‘ parents’.
The main reason real vampirism is not more widely believed is the failure of the general public to understand exactly what the virus which produces the condition actually is, or how it functions. Most people do not understand, or believe, that human DNA can be altered in such a way as to produce such a being. While the truth of nature is that every organism can be altered and mutate into whatever the ones playing Dr Mengele games desire.

Many reason were and have been given as to why this vampire myth started, and what could have caused the peoples of these times, to think and talk about vampires.
There are several possibilities which can account for such widespread myth. Along with the related condition of Lycanthropy ( is when the patient thinks he is a werewolf) the Cumulative effect of several diseases such as porphyria [lupus wolf-ulcer Lupus Erythemadotes ( is auto-immune disease)..] may be the answer. This Genetic liver affliction affects the biosynthesis of blood and can affect its victim in such ways, as severe reactions to sunlight, the residing of the gums and lips to create a fang-like effect, and possibly even extensive hair growth. Not only this, but the only possible way of relieving the problem back then was the Ingestion of Large Amounts of Blood, which can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach wall and replace the victim's depleted heme supplies (just how the afflicted actually knows that this will work is a different matter, but there's at least one modern case documented). Another explanation is the possibly large number of premature burials that took place due to unreliable medical practices..

Its clear that many did research into this presumably myth and have tried to understand. Which in my eyes does not bring you anywhere, unless you take into account that this condition of needing human blood in order to be able to live, is not a human condition, but one that comes from non humans, who mated or simply raped female humans, in order to be able to create beings who would carry their blood, so their blood-lines could survive, until one day they would find some-one carrying their genes, that had become perfected to live on the earths plane, and then use this blood, to heal themselves in such ways that they at one point in time, could then show us who they are for real. This could be the basics of the Holy Grail story..and is part of bible writings as well..the angels saw the human females, liked what they saw and went down on the human females..who is to say that these angels were not vampires?

If we can agree that there are reason for everything we see happening in our human history on earth, then we must also be able to say that there was and is a reason for the brutal violence and wars that our planet has seen since..a long long time ago.
These religious wars, invasions, colonizations … all used the same tactics..slaying of humans, the raping of every single thing that moved, the draining of blood , cannibalism , stealing of the females and children went hand in hand with these kinds of events in our history that started one day to never stop, bringing us to our present time
The treatment of the first world peoples of colour, was in such ways, that one has to ask oneselves, how can a human treat another human like that? This question has caused many not to be able to believe many things about our real history, simply because if a human can do such a thing, and I am human then what does this history make me?
Me thinks.. why wonder? Why not distance yourself as a human, and look at them;those who created this horror history, as aliens? Human/alien half breeds? or maybe they even mated with neanderthalers, as the last half breed human-neanderthaler sceleton of a female was found somewhere in Belgium, in 1997. this would for instance explain why in these parts of the world beings were produced that where of the most brutal beastlike behaviour, eathing humans and raping everything that moved.
Europe sure has a incredible violent beastlike past.

If we look at the real history of slave trades..
We must ask ourselves..what was the real reason for owing slaves, and for starting the slave trades in the first place..if one could magical make the first slave trade orders appear, one would find the real families/bloodlines who need human blood to live.
Just think, 10’s of millions of slaves, numbers go from 50 million slaves; written in schoolbooks =the truth we may see, to the real numbers. 250 million says one side of the fence, more then 400 millions is told by the other side, have been taken away and abducted. A very small percentage actually survived. They say the slaves died during transport or storage, or died because of the brutal tortures and rapes..but this is a truth that can be found in the books written by religion/leading families, that we are allowed to know. And as such do I conclude that the millions and millions of slaves taken away from their motherlands, died of other causes.
If the establishment allows me to know about the brutal ways of the slave owners, especially the jewish slave traders, who had a monoploy on the slave trades for about 75%, and started the slave trades/ownerships firstly, then the truth is completely different and more horrible then that what the system allowes us to know.

The first slave trade boot was Dutch, and most who followed this first boot were Dutch as well.
Ah but I say it was the jews that started this trade, and then I say the first slave trade boot was Dutch..correct..both are connected to the bone. In this country jews are protected by law, can do as they please, regardless what it is they do.
Surfaces the big question, Why?. One thing I know it has nothing to do with religion, god or them claiming their chosen position on our earth, was given to them by god. Their story is still locked within some huge protected vault. And has to do with Blood. And can be found within their Quabala and decoded from the Sephiroth, their tree of life..of which the world is now within the 7th Sephiroth stage.
Which is interesting as the many religious minds are talking about us now being in the 7th seal period.

This whole madness has also something to do with the Scorpio zodiac. They corrupted this zodiac sign the most, while it was sacred sign. And has the pleadian star system hanging on its tale, 7 planets.
It is said that the Tetragrammaton "is in the way of a final union with the Logos” and that its one of the oldest directions of the ancient Wisdom-religion that the macrocosm1 should be interpreted according to the plan revealed by Malkuth."
The Tetragrammaton is called in the Kabbala by various names. It is IHVH, the Microprosopus, in distinction to AHIH, the Macroprosopus. It is the LESSER FACE, a reflection (tainted with matter or Malkuth, its bride, the mother earth)--of the "Vastor," rather "Limitless" Face; therefore he is the antithesis of Macroprosopus
It is not "Ain-Soph" the Non-Existent, or Non-Being, no more than is Tetragrammaton; for both AHIH and IHVH are glyphs of existence, and symbols of terrestrial-androgynous, as well as male and female--life. Both are therefore mixed with Malkuth,--H-eva, "the mother of all that lives,"
the Keroubim represent the powers of the letters of the Tetragrammaton on the material plane. . . The Keroubim are the living forms of the letters symbolized in the Zodiac by Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio is the symbol of sin (in the sexual sense) of evil and spiritual death, and Scorpio is the fourth number of Tetragrammaton--or Malkuth.

The above I hope is not to confusing, but I need to incorporate the Kabala as well, its all connected.
And I also have to be able to say, without any one accusing me of being anti-smtc

Gematria, Notarikon and Tetragrammaton is one world of hide and seek, truth within truth layered upon eachother, confusing the mind of the many, creating numerous interpretations, clearly a case of what you see, is not what is standing here..the Maja illusion. Its filled with symbolics and codes within codes within codes that can only be decoded by decoding codes and making new codes in order to open doors to find new codes that need to be decoded, by numbers of course, all hidden and concealed.
Why so much secrecy? If not to hide something which really must never be discovered by the masses ruled by those who are aware of at least one portion of the truth.
Why do they have such tales of persecutions? Why have they been hated so much and so long? Of course many reason and many truths..yet they simply do not sum up the many why’s roaming the heads of so many around the world.

Again the need to control the world, is based on something, that can only be shown and come out in the open for the masses to see, if one controls the world, from left to right, bottom to top, having eyes/cameras on every damn corner you pass, installing all sorts of laws forbidding the many to even think or feel for themselves. Have the whole world under 24/7 satellite surveillance..and its people on repressing their emotions medications/foods.
Then yes they could come out and play in safety
Here comes to mind a little Holywood (or is it Canadian ) example; the movie Equilibrium. Using the words Tetragammation and Gemmatrons ( gematria) to refer to the soldier groups..who must guard the people and hunt those who feel etc

*One thing when I talk about the jews, and their history and what this certain fraction within this group actually did for real, this is me stating pls. Refrain from anti-semitic accusation, if you can not resist yourself, fine but I will not react.

Concerning poor grammar.. it is not my intention to excel in perfect grammar, and besides how good is your german-spanish-italian and dutch? Nuff said.

I'm not going to start believing any of that just because you've wrote it.

Of course not, first you must be able to understand and then connect the dots, by finding proof in our current society connecting this proof with historical writings, arts , myths tales and superstition, as well as with politics and religion..and medical conditions and research..this world uses black people and esp children to test medications. And over the last xx amount of years many places have been uncovered to reveal the many bodies of black/latino/asian young children, man and woman, places that used to be locations of hospitals. In 2004 they found yet other proof of the medical world using black and latino children, as young as 3 months old, from orphanages, to test medicine for Aids and Cancer.
History of the medical world shows that without the black DNA they would never have been able to discover so much about humanity, nor would they have been able to strengthen their own specie, and become to live longer then they used to.
Think, if you were an alien group, your genes not being able to survive on our earth, seeing that earth has live, who would you use , as an alien to try and find ways of survival, by science research?
Humans of course, as they resemble them the most. Humans have a lot to offer, more then just slave labour. We are food and we serve as the medicine cabinet for certain species roaming the earth.

There has always been a reason for slavery/trade and it came along with to our times. Fact to many humans disappear world wide..a small percentage can be found somewhere down the line. Most are never found.. occurs the question..where are they?

the story can be found on the net.
As can many, many stories. Being on the internet doesn't make it true RRM.

Absolutely true..yet it contains more truth then most books that can be bought, even that the censoring machine has been extremely active since the end of 2003, the book in most stores, like in the Netherlands all must pass the gates of censoring. Many die an early death.

You ask for proof, ok..
So where do you want to start? Human trades?

Presumption..of Law, assumption of truth of thing until the contrary is proved..
Presupposition; presupposing; thing assumed beforehand as basis of argument
13:23 / 07.11.05
wo! hey! hee! ho! hoo! hah! justasec...

that wasn't me, i was quoting our young friend eon there, who i'm trying to protect from your theories with an innoculation of mild mockery. it might all be shits and giggles to you ReformedRobbiewilliamsFan, but poor old eon could literally spend the next ten years of his life in the strange little paranoid void you've just spouted. he's only eight years old and this thing can be kind of frightening - especially given that you've basically just said he's lunch for the Masters of the Planet!

so, in some places at the moment the protocols of zion are promoted as a 'true' part of the local historical outlook - you're in holland. what's your excuse? oh i get it: your odd little eddies of 'thought' are a concrete threat to our burgeoning 'legalise it' movement, here in the UK. desist!
13:23 / 07.11.05
Why is it that people think that posting this kind of crap is a good idea? Not only is it offensive, it's also deeply boring and unoriginal. I mean the Protocols of Zion? Is that seriously the best you can do? If you're going to be a conspiracy nut, at least be an original one.
Evil Scientist
13:25 / 07.11.05
So you're saying that the DEA agents KNEW Internal Affairs was setting them up?

You ask for proof, ok..
So where do you want to start? Human trades?

Okay sure. On with the trade in humans. Let's start with your assertion that prisoners are being transported about the place. Give me links to the sites where you found this information, and a quick (note that QUICK) explanation of how these prisoners' families haven't noticed their disappearance. Actual examples which can be identified by non-internet sources would be appreciated.
Spatula Clarke
13:29 / 07.11.05
Have we not already got a FAQ on RRM?

Engaging this suit is a waste of time. I don't know if everybody's got Ganesh, fridge, Stoatie and Mordant on ignore, but all you're doing by responding is encouraging hir to sink yet deeper into hir paranoid delusions.

It'll all end in tears when ze decides to call one of you a paedophile, you know. Nobody to blame for it but yrselves.
13:31 / 07.11.05
I was only helping him through the school fence m'lud.
13:35 / 07.11.05
Randy: I'd say there's a difference between engaging with someone & telling them that their bullshit isn't welcome. I was trying more for the latter, but you're probably right - feeding the troll is never a good idea.
Evil Scientist
13:48 / 07.11.05
but all you're doing by responding is encouraging hir to sink yet deeper into hir paranoid delusions.

I'm curious to see if they can go any deeper than this. But point taken.
toughest, fastest, fatest
13:50 / 07.11.05
Wow RRM is the first person I've put on ignore here. Dont get me wrong, delusions and fantasies can be interesting, but it's a crap writer frankly.
14:44 / 07.11.05
Just found this thread, and discovered while scrolling down through RRM's posts (without reading the tripe natch) that the eye naturally picks out about one word in fifty, leading to an interesting semi-divinational experience that goes

"blahblahblahpsykik lizzards need stemcells for sex blahblahfishcakeseschatolologikal doomladen ramblingsblahblah..."

Jason Todd's back? Are you sure he's not a lizardman twisting your brain to make you think Robin's not dead, like clayface? Or Robin WILLIAMS? Bringing me to Robbie Williams, who once proposed to a friend of mine while they were drunk.
14:54 / 07.11.05
In this country jews are protected by law, can do as they please, regardless what it is they do.
Surfaces the big question, Why?

Because you're a paranoid schizophrenic.

Gypsy Lantern
15:03 / 07.11.05
I love the way that the disparaging references to a "Robbie W" in this thread leave me with absolutely no idea whether it is Robbie Williams or Robert Anton Wilson who is being talked about.
15:16 / 07.11.05
Have you ever seen them duetting on "Angels" together?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:23 / 07.11.05
If people are unwilling to save this thread from either RRM talking crap or people talking about the crap RRM is saying then I'm going to move to lock this thread...
15:25 / 07.11.05
Do it.
15:31 / 07.11.05
I don't have a problem with that. We don't, as a board, have the rigour to ignore this kind of thing anymore, and we've already answered the question "Is Robbie Williams a Lither?" to my satisfaction.

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