This was released on ABC in 2000, I believe. It debuted the same season as Family Guy, Mission Hill, Baby Blues and The Oblongs, all of which were on different networks (I'm pretty sure, anyway). They all ended up on Adult Swim over on Cartoon Network except Clerks, because it's just not as good as the others (except Baby Blues, which is pretty lame).
It's not that the show didn't have its moments. The second episode was a flashback episode (Dante and Randall get locked in a freezer, a la Three's Company, and talk about shared memories). But since it's only the second episode, so all the flashback clips are from the first episode and earlier parts of the second ("hey, remember when we got locked in a freezer?" cue flashback effects). This provides a decent running joke throughout the episode. And Alec Baldwin does a good job as the villian of the series, Leonardo Leonardo, and Charles Barkley has some funny bits.
So there are some good parts, but by far the funniest part is a scene which depicts the Writer's Room of clerks, and someone bursts through the door holding a book that is titled How to Write Cartoons and the author is Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy. In the audio commentary Kevin Smith goes on about what a terrible show Family Guy is: "A talking baby. Yeah, that's funny." and so forth. And later he calls it a "Stupid, stupid show". Well, I'm not sure when that was recorded, but Clerks lasted six episodes, only four of which were actually played on television, making it the least successful of all the primetime cartoons released that season, so screw you Kevin Smith.
So all in all its worth renting (I think it might be available on a special edition release of Clerks), if you don't mind lame gay jokes. It might make you laugh here and there, and Kevin Smith makes some stupid comments. Go for it. |