it doesnt have that finished feel to it that i want. it doesnt feel ready.
i dont think the glasses look right at those angles, i dont think the face looks rugged enough, i dont think the skin tone is that good
Dude, draw it again. And then draw it again. And then draw it again. If you already think x and y and z are wrong, then there’s nothing to be gained by *tweaking*. You’ve hardly started.
I mean, I don’t really think you need anyone else's advice right now, actually. You’ve already got your own list of things you don’t like about your first version, which is quite enough for you to be starting over and doing something about. The next time around, you’ll end up with a shorter list of things you’re not happy with. But you’ll probably still have a Few Good Reasons to draw it again, too.
Getting what you want onto paper is a process, maaaaan, and working your way through version after version is part of that process. You sound like you already know what you want your picture to look like, or, at the very least, what you want to change in the next version, so why are you asking us so soon? Ask for advice when you don’t know or are stuck or something.
Seriously. It’s fine so far. Just keep going. |