Hey folks! It's ANGER time again!
Link to Friends of the Earth press release.
Consumers may lose the chance to be eco-friendly, if plans to ban energy efficiency labels on appliances such as washing machines, fridges and irons are successful, warns Friends of the Earth as `Energy Saving Week' approaches (24-28 October 2005). A proposal to outlaw energy efficiency labelling is up for discussion at the World Trade Organisation (WTO)'s ongoing negotiations. More than 200 similar `free trade' measures have been put forward and if successful, could deny consumers' access to `green' information on a huge range of products.
Countries including Korea, the United States and China are claiming that eco-labelling damages their competitiveness and acts as a barrier to trade.
Other things they'd like to ban include labels which show whether a product is recyclable or made from recycled materials. Basically anything which helps you make an informed choice to buy more sustainably.
Friends of the Earth wants the Prime Minister Tony Blair to use his influence with EU Commissioner for Trade, Peter Mandelson, to ensure the EU opposes these WTO challenges.
Good luck with that.
Thoughts? I mean, I know consuming eco-friendly/less eco-harmful products isn't going to save us on its own, but this really beggars belief. It's worth noting that not only do energy-efficienct appliances have an enviromental benefit, they also have a economic benefit for the people who use them. Which is another reason why these "countries" (which we take to mean big business, right?) don't want people to have access to them - it's much better for them to be able to present people with an enormous gas/electricity bill than to let people monitor their own use of energy, obviously... |