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De Selby
03:39 / 21.10.05
Hi... I noticed that barbelith supports RSS, but I can't get it to work in Firefox. Is that because of the formatting of the xml?

I notice that its formatted with RDF tags instead of RSS.

Is there any chance of fixing this, or is it something wrong with Firefox? Am I doing something wrong?
07:39 / 21.10.05
Well, as a work-around - it Does work with Netnewswire-lite, which is free.
Char Aina
13:09 / 21.10.05
i havent used it, but one of the mozilla extensions is an RSS reader, i think.
Char Aina
13:14 / 21.10.05
a link, for the lazy
18:55 / 21.10.05
Don't know if this helps, but I can get it to work in Bloglines and in MyYahoo!

Maybe if you try that and then use one of the links in those readers as your bookmark/feed in Firefox it'll work.

I add RSS by URL for all Barbelith with this:,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14&create=1

If you want just one of the sections, you have to figure out which forum number it corresponds to.

For example if you want Books use:
Char Aina
19:15 / 21.10.05
might be an idea to tell us what you then do with that line of code, if you could.
17:50 / 23.10.05
In Firefox you need to add a live bookmark specifically. Explanation of how to add new RSS feeds.

It appears that Firefox should be fine with RDF (which is RSS 1.0) so the format isn't going to be the problem I think. RDF is old enough that almost everything can parse it. Apart from my Barbeblogs aggregator. I wrote that myself though in my lunchbreaks, though, come on, give me a break.
De Selby
04:54 / 24.10.05
In Firefox you need to add a live bookmark specifically.

Yeah I know. And I've added the feed exactly as it says (like the other rss feeds I've got), and it appears with the little orange rss symbol but the link is empty. If I put the url into the browser it generates the XML correctly, but its RDF.... dagnamit.

Does anyone else have the same problem?

If not, can someone else who uses firefox test this out to see if I'm just doing something wack that I don't know about?
21:21 / 01.12.05
A minor request for the RSS feed: Would it be possible for the constructed URL that's supplied to point to the last page of the referenced thread, instead of the first? This way, those of us who get the feed in our mail readers don't have to open a browser window to get the most current posts, which is what RSS is for anyway.
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