I may get some detractors on this one, but I believe Alex Ross solved the Wonder Woman problem.
For too long, the Amazon Princess paraded around in star-spangled spankies, looking completely too patriotic as well as utterly foolish. Wonder Woman's history goes all the way back to WW2, when she was an Allied symbol against the Nazi threat. Crawling from flowing skirts and sandals, Diana of Themyscira found herself in the twenty-first century wearing a brightly colored, and sometimes metallic, swimsuit.
We could forgive the color choices, and even the American motif with George Perez' retcon, but the first super HEROINE shouldn't fight crime in one of the most revealing costumes in comicdom. She didn't appear to have any mythological encoutrements, which was her origin. She didn't even have a trademark visual to emblazon her presence as a powerful, historical commodity for the DCU.
Alex Ross changed things when he drew her for the climax of "Kingdom Come". Throwing away the swimsuit, Ross designed a suit of flexible armor that was immediately reminiscent of ancient Greek and Roman soldiers. Instead of deciding between the eagle-shaped chestpiece and the more contemporary double W design, Ross chose both. Leaving the double W over her breastplate, Ross fashioned the rest of the armor to resemble an enormous golden eagle —making Wonder Woman the first Bird of Prey.
The strengths of the "Screaming Chicken" design outweigh the many supposed faults. The eagle-shaped helmet is too Hawkman-esque. The wings are redundant. Hell, the armor is redundant. While all these are valid complaints, in the interest of giving each DCU commodity a definable niche, the Alex Ross design gives Wonder Woman a color.
Where Superman is a streak of red in the sky, and Batman cloaked in blue, Wonder Woman rounds out the Big Three by being yellow. Analogs of Diana were already golden: see Stan Lee's Maria Mendoza, Alan Moore's Promethea, Kurt Busiek's Winged Victory. Now go all the way back: her trademark weapon is Hestia's Golden Lasso of Truth.
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