quote:Originally posted by cusm:
Skinny: Its a shamanic vision drug. You smoke two big bowls of it fast, holding each for a 20 count, then sit down. The world goes completely away, and you find out what God has to say to you. Not exactly recreational
I have to disagree a bit here. The experience can be quite different for everybody. I used to smoke it because I had nothing else to get fucked up with, and while it was a good deal of fun, I didn't have any revelations or anything along those lines. It wasn't until I took it simply to explore exactly what it did to me that I had some weird(er) things go on. I could do funky stuff with my head. I've heard people say the plant has to "let you in" before one has an extremely different sort of experience.
You're dead on about how to smoke it, though. Get as much as possible and hold it in for as long as possible. Keep doing this until you start feeling it around where your jawbone connects with the skull. I had six bowls until I had the right amount (the first time, anyway. After that, it took less and less). |