I love that when something worrying is happening in some part of the world, everyone immediately thinks of the lithers who live there and asks after them, and there's quick networking to support, materially if necessary, those of our own— even if we've just had a knock-down drag-out with them in some thread about arsewiping.
I love bouncing ideas off people who will deflect them back in interesting ways, and I have fewer and fewer opportunities to do that these days.
And I love the barbarian thread, too.
You know, the Barb is a really great community. Even though we all play stupid top dog games at times, or get really pretentious about topics both world-shattering and insanely trivial. Even when there are trolls. Even when much-belovèd graybeards among us have off days and do something trollish themselves, or when newbs like me (I've only been here a couple years, good people, give me a break) get carried away and full of ourselves. I can't think of any other message board community that I would still recommend to the smartest people I know just because it would probably enrich their lives to visit occasionally.
Fug. And I haven't even been drinking at all, I swear. |