But Shaath said the Palestinians at the meeting did not think the president was suggesting that God actually spoke to him. "I think it's a manner of speech," Shaath said. "I don't think he meant an actual call from God. He was talking about a commitment. The man wasn't saying there was an angel hovering over his head talking to him.
"We took it as a commitment of the highest level by Mr. Bush to really invest his effort and his determination to get an independent Palestinian state. We welcome this commitment by the president and hope he will fulfill it."
I think if anything Mr Shaath is taking the God stuff less seriously than I would, because I really AM concerned that Bush thinks God, personally, is communicating a divine mandate to him— whether in a booming voice from the heavens or in "what I feel is right in my heart," it's just as dangerous. Shaath does, however, expect Bush to make good, which is exactly on-message.
I think you are maybe not giving these people— the Palestinian diplomats, I mean— enough credit for cultural awareness themselves. They know what he's saying, and they know that by making this a public issue they can drive a wedge between the US and Israeli nationalist types. If Bush doesn't intend to follow through, then we have another issue with the Islamic world. If he pushes for Palestinian statehood, then not only is he breaking that bond with Israel which has often been critiqued here, but he's doing it, he claims, because of a mission from God. And Israel also takes this whole God thing very seriously.
I don't know whether Bush said what was attributed to him, but it's not been the first time he's talked about God giving him messages. That part I don't doubt. I might doubt whether he said God told him to create a Palestinian state, because that seems disadvantageous to US interests, and it would be advantageous for Palestinian authorities to claim those words from him. However, those doubts are from my own reasoning and not the notoriously conservative Washington Post's efforts to find some out for the White House. |