Mayday! Exams approaching! Head go BOOM!
Well, y'see, it's like this. An unfortunate confluence of circumstances has left me with a coursework deadline on the 5th of January, an exam on the 11th, and an exam on the 16th.
This is important to me. I'm in the final year of a degree and as the course is going to be cancelled at the end of next term, I won't have a chance to re-do the units if I don't finish on time. I'm a studious kind of bod and I like my subject, but what with one thing and another I'm a bit on the overwhelmed side here, and I could really do with some help. What is really defeating me is my own fear- when I get panicked about something I can't work effectively.
I know everyone's working really hard at the moment, what with the Peace Mango, the Spiral Amplifly, and sundry other worthy causes and I wouldn't ask if I didn't truly need help. I've worked hard for this and I can't stand the thought of losing it all.
Thanks. |