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Help! Novice seeking advice for art/ magick work

16:09 / 28.12.01
OK here's the deal: I'm about to start a new piece of work which will be a wall mounted representation of the head of Ganesh. The work I've been doing recently has taken the form of weird totem-like objects that reference various bits of art history; I now want to start making these things as actual magickal objects rather than stuff that just seems a bit mystical. Visually, the Ganesh thing will not necessarily look like him in terms of style but will have all of his distinguishing features - basically my own crackpot reinterpretation of a particular visual reference - and I would like its magickal properties to work in a similar way. That is, to contain, or be, a personal spell or working but based on the Ganesh archetype. There are various reasons for the choice of subject matter: I hope this will become a rich new seam of ideas for my art, and it seems sensible to make the "salutation to Ganesa" before I get stuck into Hanuman, Hermes, or any of my other favourite deities; Sentimental attachment to the idea of Ganesh because he's King Mob's favourite and also because I was blown away by Hindu temples in Indonesia last Summer; I'd also like to break down the boundaries between various disparate strands of my work. I have two specific desires for this working: that the piece that results will be visually attractive and give pleasure to myself and others, and that i will have it in my possession no longer than a year (ie. I sell it or get it on permanent display somewhere, or give it away to someone who loves it).
That, basically, is it. This probably all seems very vague, but I really would appreciate any advice (and I know some of you guys have the knowledge!). I've got a couple of icons of Ganesh, could they be useful? Should I start work at 9 o'clock? Do I just not really have any idea of what I actually want to do and need remedial instruction?
14:21 / 31.12.01
Sounds to me like you've got all the mental/spiritual equipment you need and should just get on with it!

I'd like to know how it turns out.

If you're still associating on Ganesh, there's PLENTY of resources on the web. Bear in mind he, like Thoth, Eleggua and Hermes, has a close association with writing and the alphabet. Like Eleggua, he's a warrior and he likes sweets. He's not a trickster, though. And there's the whole rat thing....

Here is a thing on the big Ganesh festival in Mumbai.
And here is all the database you need to leap off with. Lord of Categories.
The page on his weapons might be especially useful for a collage-type totem.

[ 31-12-2001: Message edited by: grant ]
14:24 / 31.12.01
Oh, and has a jokey song about Ganesh, but it's more about the poster here than the original Hindu Lord. Although it's kind of about him too.
21:50 / 01.01.02
thanks grant, eleggua is a new one on me - work today is very slow so i should get plenty of opportunity for research. I've worked out my design and collected together all the materials I'll need, and I hope to actually make the thing in a couple of intense sessions over the next two weeks. I'll post results when there are some. Happy new year!
13:02 / 17.01.02

[ 18-01-2002: Message edited by: haca ]
16:38 / 17.01.02
Preliminary results:

I haven't actually done anything on the Ganesh piece since I last posted on this thread, however I had a related experience last Tuesday. The reason I haven't done any work on it is because I've been caught up with attempting to finish my current thing (mock- Renaissance Madonna and Christ; I know how that sounds but trust me, it's hot). NEway, i arrived at the studio last Tuesday evening, very charged for work, as this Madonna thing had been taking far too long. before starting work I bumped into this Basquiat-alike bloke who works on the floor below, who shared his large skunk reefer with me. i got to my studio feeling quite 'removed', maybe even 'gnostic', having not smoked for a while. I think the fact that i'd had two cups of black coffee was what allowed me to retain my driven feeling and not get lost in the usual marijuana haze of fantasy indecision. I was immediately struck by the totemic aspect of the large wall drawing I'd previously done of Ganesh (the design for the eventual piece), and the idea hit me to bash off some kind of ritual for the completion of the Madonna piece. As this was a spur of the moment thing I had to use whatever I had available, which actually seemed to fit quite nicely, as all the stuff I'm making at the moment uses a bizarre range of found objects which are manipulated until they become something else. So I put on some music ("Teen Age Riot" by Sonic Youth - not only because it's great but because it connects with a particular idea of success I used to have as a teenager, and which I wanted to have associated with this madonna piece), and while the song was playing, stood in front of the Ganesh drawing, made a circle out of some string I had lying around and (standing within the circle) quickly drew a sigil for something along the lines of "I'm going to get this damn thing finished and it's going to be good". Once it was completed, I ate one segment of a satsuma I happened to have with me (the only sweet thing available), having placed the other 9 (how convenient) directly under ganesh's trunk as some kind of offering, and then charged the sigil (my energy was up as I was bouncing around and singing along, the weed gave me the necessary abstraction), which fortuitously happened at exactly the same time as the most powerful lyrics of the song were playing ("It's getting pretty quiet in my city head/ It takes a teenage riot to get me out of bed right now"). Then I burnt the sigil, which had been drawn on the same material as I was using in the Madonna piece (I felt this was important), and spent the last minute of the track watching the flames. then I left the circle and got to work.

And.... a very successful evening's endeavour followed. I'd been getting bogged down with the piece, but made some kind of breakthrough, pulled out a couple of ways of using my materials that hadn't occurred to me before. My sigil looked kind of like a butterfly, and I had this recurring sense of it flitting around while I was working, maintaining the necessary lightness of touch, while ganesh was a motivational force of invention and innovation, always slightly behind me, nudging things along.

Conclusions....? With something like this it's easy to see magic as an intellectual exercise, (as I had sole responsibility for the effectiveness of the sigilisation) which I think at the moment I'm more comfortable with. while doing the ritual I felt like I could have been in some sort of performance art thang, when I looked at the circle/drawing/altar afterwards it could almost have been an installation on the theme "the creative process as a magickal/ritualistic act". I guess that's what I wanted. There was also an aspect of "Well I've done this thing now so i'd better prove myself right or I'll be feeling pretty fucking silly"

But... results are what counts, and I got the piece finished on Tuesday (this week) and I'm very pleased with it.

Any comments, negative, positive or indifferent?
17:00 / 17.01.02
I bet that's exactly the kind of thing Alan Moore does to get comics done.
06:08 / 18.01.02
That's a lovely thought
15:30 / 03.05.02

Somebody i haven't heard from for ages has just bunged it on their website, so I thought I'd post it up. There's a few other bits on the linked page too. Not the best quality jpegs, but that's my fault.
17:50 / 03.05.02
I'm scared of the royal portraits.
Mr Tricks
22:59 / 03.05.02
Last year at Burningman mayself & others created our theme camp as a homage to GANESH...

we called it GANESH MANDALA

Still basking in the afterglow...

you should've seen the 2 person costume we wore out to the playa on the night of the burn!!!

we were even interviewed life on the wwweb that night!!! A friend in Portigal was the only one to ever see it....
Mr Tricks
23:01 / 03.05.02
PS: here's what the Mandala ultimately eneded up looking like...

grant actually designed the Ganesh depicted at it's center...
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