It was a crap decision to eject him and brutally done by the look of it but the own goal Labour scored has been a boon. The bad press it gained them resulted in TB schmoozing on Today with John Humphreys this morning, saying sorry several times, unreservedly. This from a man who can't apologise for the big stuff he has got horribly wrong.
There is an underlying question about the purpose of the Party Conferences. In the 80's the Labour Party Conference was a real debating and decision-making forum but the end result of that was seeing reports on tv each night in that September week where the party seemed to be a roused rabble shouting down their supposed leaders. Democracy in action though, even if all the motions and composites confused the yawning electorate.
Much of the goodwill Kinnock managed to garner to himself derived from his ability to shout down the hecklers at Conference, which played very well with Middle England as they caught a few headlines on the evening news between mouthfuls of M&S convenience food.
The comparison then was with the Tories under Mrs Thatch, who had the glitz of a well regulated Republican Convention and scored therefore with the voters who saw the sham of Nuremberg Rally control freakery as evidence that this was an army on the march with clear objectives, all on message, and returned them to power over and over again.
I can see why the only Labour Government in history that has managed three consecutive election victories is going to stifle dissent at Conference, which is not any longer connected in any way with democratic decision-making within the Party. Walter Wolfgang's unceremonious rejection was simply the logical option in those circumstances. Blairco see him as a troll rather than an elder voice representing some of Labour's finest traditions, deserving of respect. |