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Barbelith Netlabels


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04:56 / 15.05.07
The new Sublinear album is total perfection, I highly recommend it... will get around to doing a review when I find myself with some spare time.

Seeing as this is the netlabels thread, I'd like to mention my own: Mauve Zone Recordings, which has been in operation for over two months now and has already goten close to 200 downloads. Products from MZR can be downloaded for free here:

In addition issues of TRANS/MISSION (the label's official newsletter) may be downloaded from the NTS website (again, for free):

TRANS/MISSION is published once every two months. Issue 2 will be available sometime in late May.

MZR is always on the lookout for artists. Drop us a line if you have something that you think would fit on our label. We can be reached at We mostly look for music that falls into the categories of noise/weirdness/dada/esoterica.
18:03 / 15.05.07
I can vouch for the excellence of the Boy Destroyer album Rise, Horus, Rise on MZR - extremely effective, invigorating noise. I find a lot of noise to be oppressive or tiring, but BD has a kind of punk energy to it that is terrifically engaging (like Atari Teenage Riot, in spirit if not in sound).

MZR also hosts the two-volume Sypha Nadon anthology (which, if you enjoyed the previous SN releases on my own label, is well worth downloading).
01:46 / 09.06.07
New release on MZR posted today: "Malkunofat Disko" split EP between Sypha Nadon and cult German noise band Zyklon Vagina. A stopgap release, paving the way for the future (lots of exciting new acts are on the way). May be found here:
03:29 / 28.07.07
New Release: Fabrizio Torri

"Fabrizio Torri's first album for This Plague of Dreaming is a strange world of echoes, of memory, and of golden, shifting light. Torri's music is frequently retro in sound, but it has been filtered through the distortion of the intervening decades, rounding its sharp edges and blurring its outline in warmth and dust. This is music to listen to alone, with headphones and closed eyes and the sun on your face."

I wasn't quite sure what to make of this album when I first heard it, but it's grown on me a lot. Torri has another album coming up soon, in collaboration with sax-player Noel Towers.
03:35 / 28.07.07
Anyone else out there with a netlabel?
04:14 / 09.08.07
It's been a busy summer at This Plague of Dreaming - already we have another new release!

Nagual Art - A Landscape Built By Whispers

In the artist's (translated) words: "Nagual Art - the German Dark Ambient Soundtrack Project - was founded in 2005. Inspired by dreams and an abstract mindset, I try to render dreams audible and - the other way around - to provide a possible access to subconsciousness and dreams through music. Abstract-dark, confused-melancholic soundscapes with neo-classical influences emanate from this musical concept."

It really is excellent darkambient, I have to say - it feels like it's taking the listener somewhere, rather than just sounding like a technical exercise in effects processing. I think you're going to like this one...
15:27 / 09.08.07
I'm digging it.

you sure do have the best freaky darkling music makers.
16:39 / 09.08.07
Thank you muchly.

you sure do have the best freaky darkling music makers.

I am unabashedly biased, but I tend to agree.

To return to the brief discussion upthread about the benefits of retaining a "record label" structure when the tools exist for completely independent promotion and distribution: when I founded This Plague of Dreaming, I had a very clear image of the character of the label, the ethos it was to embody and the fiction/myth that was to support that identity. I wasn't sure, at first, whether it would matter much to anyone but myself, but the artists who have approached us to release their work often cite the "theme" of the label as being what attracted them to us and, ultimately, why they chose to stay with us rather than court a larger and more diversified label that might get them better distribution.

Artists (of a certain temperament) often see their work as part of a larger personal mythology, an expression of (some sort of) extramusical narrative or exploration, and it seems only natural and appropriate to me to approach a record label the same way, so each artist's own dreamworld is loosely tied into confederation with their fellow-dreamers, linked (but not limited) by the label-narrative.

So yeah, more about why I think labels/collectives can be worthwhile. Apropos of not much.
12:44 / 29.08.07
And we're back with more!

New Release from our enigmatic allies, [Esc.] Laboratory: [insect:industries] - "post.larvae.state"

"So befremdlich Insekten auf uns wirken, so befremdlich muss wohl die Welt der Menschen und ihrer Maschinen auf die Insekten wirken.

"Was konnte fur uns befremdlicher sein, als ein Insekt zu sein.

"The songs from post.larvae.state were originally made for the group-exhibition Insekten Frei.

"The concept behind the album was to recreate the strange landscape of concrete immensity that confronts the insects living in our habitat, the urban sprawl.

"The songs were generated through the use of an extraordinary scientific sample library of sounds made by insects and by some nighttime field recordings in the city. They were all put together in a Dub-session - jamming, adding some delays, reverbs, and the only electronic sound device, a Clavia Micro Modular."
12:49 / 29.08.07
Oh, and in case you're interested in what goes on around the PlagueDream Institute, our new blog is at

Check in once in a while for announcements, label news, and occasional glimpses behind the curtain.
18:53 / 29.08.07
Hey! I got me a link there!
19:17 / 29.08.07
You certainly has! I mentioned the Guild in passing to Katya Oddio, too, but I haven't heard back from her.
12:41 / 27.09.07
And even more music from my lonely little netlabel!

Noel Towers - To Jest Jądro Orzecha Włoskiego

Anglo-Brazilian saxophonist Noel Towers teams up with This Plague of Dreaming's own Fabrizio Torri to bring you "a welter of restless jazz textures and electroacoustic processing, liquid sax taken deep underground for a congress of ghosts." Recommended for fans of The Legendary Pink Dots and similar musics.
03:44 / 28.10.07
I already posted about this in the appropriate thread, but I repeat it here for consistency:

New Release: The Threshold People - Seven Legs from an Eight-Legged Beast

Skeletons! Monsters! Living Shadows that talk--and KILL!!

The Threshold People are back, complete with seven new slabs of throbbing horrorbeat to give you the wim-wams!

Are you brave enough to follow the trail of bones into the lair of The Threshold People? Then turn up the volume and turn out the lights...

The most electrifying album of the year! Hear it now--but don't hear it alone!

And so on. Scary.
13:45 / 14.12.07
Two albums to announce this time:

[plague015] Glenn Brown - 3 Crows & The Moon

Glenn Brown plays sci-fi flavored ambient using just his (heavily processed) guitar.

[plague016] Nagual Art - Adoria

"Soundtrack to a Lucid Winter Wonderland" Cold, wonder-filled ambient winterscapes.

Our file-hosts and patrons of the international netlabel community, the Internet Archive has been having some serious server problems for the last month or so. If you try to download an album and get an error message, please wait a little while and try again. We hope that this will be straightened out soon.

And what've you all been up to?
13:07 / 21.12.07
A couple of our artists are appearing on new online compilations:

Nagual Art appears on Not The Normal Shit Radio's new compilation, The Best of NTNS Radio 2007.The compilation is free to download, and features the Nagual Art track The Whisperbox, from their album A Landscape Built by Whispers.

- - - - -
- - - - -

To Repel Ghosts is featured on this year's ambient holiday compilation from the excellent netlabel Dark Winter, available now for free download!

Dark Winter Holiday Compilation - A Candle's Golden Glow

"When the sky is dark and the temperature is low, comfort can be found in a candle's golden glow..."

TRG offered their arrangement of Silent Night from their 2005 album All Is Calm. Also featured are Last Nights of Paris, Ambage, Datua 1.0, Bunk Data, Larry Johnson, Mystified, Gothick, Ka-baalim, Jeffery Letterly, Zenith, Samsa, Mikrodepresja, Ryu, and Gurdonark.
13:17 / 21.12.07
you sir, are the Man!
13:48 / 21.12.07
*bows graciously*
03:52 / 08.01.08
After TOTAL NIGHTMARE INTERNET HIATUS, the soon to be officially relaunched [rhexisMUSIC] is proudf to present:
My Way In Time

The first single release from the forthcoming emopus KING ZEPPELIN, from the brainstable of one Withiel Black, esq. Suck it up with your aural tubules and gain nourishment for the brain-pan!
Don't delay, FFFMheckARflelele TODAY!

Couple of just-finished tracks I thought I'd stick out on the internet - the first one sounds (in my head - usual caveats apply) like an Indelicates track performed by patchouli-smelling hippies who are nevertheless quite cross, the second, like a terrifying parallel universe in which Future of the Left were forced to play industrial folk-funk and mass-harmonise. You have been warned.
Please, enjoy, distribute, feed back.
12:19 / 08.01.08
Or, to put it more simply, it all sounds like Withiel. Which, by this point, is saying a lot.

I'll spare you the usual metaphor-laden gushing (for now) and just say that I like the new tracks a whole bunch, and look forward to loving the new album when it arrives.
14:04 / 09.01.08
Question for Withiel: outside of Barbelith and LJ, where do you promote your (and other rhexis) music?
Char Aina
14:14 / 09.01.08
Are you looking for places, mr C? PM me if so.
14:40 / 09.01.08
I am always looking for places, and so shall PM you, thank you. My question to Withiel, though, was simply curiosity.
20:13 / 13.01.08
Life Critic, I have a reply to you sitting half-finished at the office, but in the meantime the new releases roll on:

To Repel Ghosts - Partisan Songs

A barely audible song
Is heard from the fog,
It is the quiet song
Of the forest partisans.

TRG's latest album is a dark ambient meditation on the Soviet partisans in the Great Patriotic War, drawing on wartime popular songs as source material.

As always, the album is free to download, so enjoy!
12:17 / 08.04.09
I know (hope?) that there are some Threshold People fans around, so I'd like to direct your attention to:

[Esc.] Laboratory + The Threshold People - The Tales from the Dead Sun Remixes
[free mp3 download]

(horrorbeat, remixes)

Horrorbeat masters The Threshold People are probed, dissected, and re-stitched by the mad scientists at [Esc.] Laboratory's Department of RMX!

The Threshold People – “The Pit” (from Night of the Threshold People)

01. The Pit (full of snakes pt. I_RMX) by [off:error]
02. The Pit (full of snakes pt. II_RMX) by [off:error]
03. The Pit (full of snakes pt. III_RMX) by [off:error]
04. The Pit (pendulum pt. I_RMX) by [interrupt:Jumper]
05. The Pit (pendulum pt. II_RMX) by [interrupt:Jumper]

The Threshold People - "Deja Vu" (from Seven Legs from an Eight-Legged Beast)

01. Deja Vu (kHz Munster_RMX) by [G.umbatz M.onev`s G.reen E.lecktrode]
02. Deja Vu (caustic_RMX) by [ur: neon: ono]
03. Deja Vu (it rains on doomsday_RMX) by [revolting:Robotniks]
04. Deja Vu (last life got crushed_RMX) by [revolting:Robotniks]

The Threshold People - "The Werewolf`s Cure" (from Seven Legs from an Eight-Legged Beast)

01. Werwolf`s Cure (better off dead_RMX) by [Yahuy-Che-Kabah]
02. Werwolf`s Cure (silver touched_RMX) by [Yahuy-Che-Kabah]
03. Werwolf`s Cure (the curse is better than the cure_RMX) by [Throatwobbler:Manegrove]
04. Werwolf`s Cure (cured by blood) by [revolting:Robotniks]
05. Werwolf`s Cure (cured by flesh) by [revolting:Robotniks]

= = = = =

I am also thrilled to announce upcoming releases from fan favorites Nagual Art and Sublinear, as well as the PlagueDream debuts of 900piesek and 21 Gramms!
Char Aina
17:45 / 08.04.09
Not sure who already knows, but I am one of the owners and operators of Little Rock Records. We specialise in everything(and some might say nothing...) and we have had some moderate successes with co-releases, gigs and big-radio play.

We have loads of really exciting stuff on the way, and we are just about to delete our NORAVE compilation, so get in now. if you want to grab some of our work, or if you just wanna be our friend on the 'space.

15:06 / 01.10.09
I don't know if there is anybody left to read this, but This Plague of Dreaming is hosting the new album from 'lith favorites, Sublinear:

Sublinear - Masque of the Red Death
[free mp3 download]

(orchestral ambient, soundtrack)

"These compositions are expanded and restructured versions of the two dozen very short sound pieces I constructed for the Wandering Rom Players' stage production of "Masque of the Red Death" in 2005. It's best to listen to these by candlelight."

01 Here It Is Folly to Grieve or to Think
02 The Cracked Mirror You Were Made to Be
03 King Pest
04 Anon Strikes the Ebony Clock
05 Their Sad and Solemn Slumbers
06 Your Masks
07 Illimitable Dominion

"And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death."
09:43 / 02.10.09
Thanks Chiropteran. Only just come across this thread, and so, This Plague Of Dreaming. Some wonderful releases you've got there. I spent much of last night making some great new discoveries. The new Sublinear is great and i also particularly liked Nagual Art and Goghst.
12:48 / 05.10.09
Thank you, and glad you like it!
Char Aina
15:27 / 05.10.09
Anyone who's free and able this coming weekend should check out the Netaudio Konferenz-Festival. They have a website, which has loads of information and a bunch of free music.

From the 8th to the 11th of October 2009, Netaudio Berlin will be gathering the international netaudio community for a four-day music and conference festival in Berlin, under the title “East meets West”. 2009 will mark the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain. We recall pictures of hands reaching out to pull people from both sides up onto the Berlin wall. The event will take place at Maria, a venue situated immediately on the former Berlin ‘death strip’ once dividing the city and the world into eastern and western hemispheres

Tickets are €25.
Char Aina
10:58 / 11.10.09
That was at once the most inspiring and the most tiring weekend of my life.
Holy FUCK there are a lot of talented people in this world, and so many of them are so very sound.
If my brain properly reboots and returns I might write it up here... that is if anyone even still reads this ever-decaying orbital..?

London is the next location, and I think anyone who runs a netlabel should be there if at all possible.

Seriously, if Berlin was anything to go by, it will blow your head off.
18:10 / 13.10.09
LC, that looks fantastic! Interested to read your full report, if you post it.
Char Aina
17:12 / 20.10.09
Check our blog for loads of that shizzle. And look out for London 2010.
11:44 / 21.10.09
Will do!

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