On a more serious note, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I hope it's a really nasty prison he ends up in, sharing a cell with one of the more twisted guys from Oz. Or one of those pink-underwear chain gangs we hear about.
It's Texas, sugar, they'll just kill him.
Regarding Bush's attitude to his friends going down, it's a three phase process: 1. Praise of official, possibly including a medal. 2. Deafening silence, for weeks or more, usually spent at a ranch. 3. The resignation of said official, of course completely uncoerced. Bush is saddened and surprised.
The NPR commentators were practically salivating when Abramoff pled guilty. The tones of their voices, it was like listening to phone sex. "Who do you think needs to be worried? Who's been bad?" |