It's another webcomic, found here, and I think it's one of the best. It's English, set in a version of (probably) Lancaster called Tackleford, and the plot usually centres around kidnapping, or zombies, or something fun like that. Whilst each strip (daily Mon - Fri) is usually funny, I find that the plots themselves are quite engaging, and often not meant to be funny -have a look at this storyline ("Ballad of the man") for an example of that.
The art is also fantastic, and whilst I can't really illustrate that without posting entire strips here this is my current desktop wallpaper:

On the downside, the plots do tend to ramble on, often with no discernable resolution in sight, and it's possible that some people would find it a bit twee -I don't, but I think my twee tolerance is quite high.
If you want to have a look at it, I'd recommend starting with the plot linked above, and maybe Shopgirl and Science Fair; John A used to draw Bobbins, in case you're thinking the style looks familiar.
Currently, all the strips are about how the comic is drawn (I think because that's a low-maintenance way to fill in while on holiday), which is why I'm not recommending reading it from right now; if you want to learn how to draw pretty girls using Adobe Illustrator, though, that will probably be very useful to you! |