I've only seen the show twice each episode of which was permeated by a strong undercurrent theme of mental illness (the first of which was even set in a mental institution).
I found each episode actively and viscerally disturbing and there's definitely a certain atmosphere evoked by the score. In both there was a heavy reliance on Sharp's brilliant hysterics. In tonights the shaky camera on the drunk and wheeling Sharp in conjunction with steady cam on the still but anguished Lincoin was brilliantly effective. Tonights story itself though arguably gimmicky was something I hadn't seen before and worked extremely well. Will there be a possible continuance of the story next week?
Both episodes were incredibly sad and tinged with abject misery really. There's the horrible thud, thud, thud of Andrew's loss, Lesley's constant psychic trauma, the inherent tautness in their relationship(because of Lesley's gift), and new realms of pain in every episode it would seem. It almost seems too emotionally manipulative for a horror show, it doesn't truly rely on scares or spookiness just loss and pain and the suggestion of mental illness.
My question, as I've only seen two episodes, being: Is this par the course for Afterlife? Is it always this bloody good? |