You know what band I always forget that I really like are? The thread title probably gives it away a little there, because yes - this thread is about the Strokes, not Status Quo.

But I always forget I think the Strokes are an amazing band. I don't think they've done a lot, and their albums are full of filler that sounds like they're playing toy instruments (which for a half hour record isn't so hot) but they always manage a couple of songs that are keepers. Probably they've made one whole album of A material from the two albums they've released - with the lead single generally being the best song on there (Hard To Explain, 12.51).
And now, what is rumoured to be the first single for the next album has leaked... Juicebox. And hey, it's different. I'm not sure I like it. Although to clarify, when I first heard 12.51 I thought it was terribly boring - but now I think it's the best song they've ever done. But this new song... well, it seems like they're going for something different. From the title of the record, and the titles of the tracks, it seems like they could be aiming for a more expansive and ambitious record. How that turns out, it remains to be seen. The real charm of their previous music, for me, was in the specific sort of lonely melancholy urban blah blah anxiousness it evoked (see 12.51). But I think the single might be growing on me already...
Now, I know a lot of people have some aversion to the Strokes. And I remember we had that whole lovely debate about the first album cover long ago. But I appreciate the sound they're aiming for (whether they're still aiming for that remains to be seen) and I look forward to it being part of the popular musical landscape once again. Lord knows, I had high hopes for the new Franz Ferdinand album - but besides a few standout singles - the record all blurred together in to one big generic indie sludge. Is it so wrong to hope they can provide some respite from all those myriad of bands who "sound like x" ? I just want there to be a band in the charts I actually like.
Because for all that's been said of them, I can't think of another band who sounds like the Strokes. I just hope they managed to make at least five good songs again. |