bok tower gardens, lake wales florida
it was comissioned by edward bok in the 1930's and was made into a state park right after that. it's at the highest point in central florida, built atop what the spanish called iron mountain. the timucuan indians that lived in the area claimed that every year on the summer solstice the spirits of individuals who had died in the past year would congregate there for passage into the realm of the ancestors. the carillon is built on top of the mound, and is covered in some pretty cool imagery. on the park websites some of the points of interest include the carillons gold plated door which has been carved to be a representation of the first chapter of genesis, and the sundial on the eastern face of the carillon.
the first time i went there i got a pretty crazy vibe, but i couldn't quite figure out why. in subsequent visits since i've checked out the door which represents a very gnostic version of the genesis story, and the touted sundial has one of the horoscope signs in the place of every hour point, but the sundial itself is a big red serpent. all of it could just be meaningless, but i read a lot out of it.
and coincidentally, i found the place in 99, when i went there and heard about the redskin legends about the place from one of the curators, and coincidentally, every year since they've been closed on the summer solstice.

and even though someone already mentioned it, i think coral castle warrants a second mention |