Looked at an old Franz Ferdinand thread, decided on balance we could have it so much better with a new one. Boom, boom. Anyway, new album out October 3. For what it's worth, I seriously love the cover:

The whole thing has allegedly leaked on the internet, but as yet I've just heard 'Do You Want To?', which I'm crazy about. Its lurching boistrousness always makes me feel like I want to get drunk and... well, crash an art party, I suppose. Steal the wine. Knock things over. That kind of thing, all very disreputable, would make you awful company, so thank God for music that enables us to live these things out vicariously, eh?
I'm interested in how people here feel about Franz Ferdinand in general these days, too, because I find myself liking them so much more than bands whom I imagine have quite a similar audience or are seen as comparable. And I was tempted to call this thread 'You Could Have It So Much Better Than The Kaiser Chiefs'... |