Alllrighty, I'm finally getting around to sifting through some of the many piles of books which've been cluttering up our new flat since the move - and I'm keen to get rid of 'em. Over the next few weeks (and possibly months), I'll be putting random selections up here and, basically, whoever wants 'em just has to ask. It's first come first served, with a bias in favour of those who live near enough to collect - possibly at the next Barbe-meet I'm at.
If you live farrr away, I might want postage costs by PayPal or whatever. Otherwise, I don't want owt for any of these - other than good karma.
So... firstup, this being Barbelith, I thought I'd see if anyone's interested in some old psychiatric texts. Textbooks tend to be updated every few years, and these are out of date versions, but still containing a wealth of info on all yer favourite psychological disorders and more.
Companion to Psychiatric Studies, Kendell & Zealley 5th Edition, 1993
This is one of the comprehensive summaries of psychiatry. A mammoth hardback. Still very relevant.
Sciences Basic to Psychiatry, Puri & Tyrer 1st Edition, 1992
Summary of the neurosciences, genetics, social studies, statistics, etc. as relevant to psychiatry. Softback. Psychology chapter covered in highlighter notation...
The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines, Dunitz, 5th Edition, 1999
What it says on the tin, really. Invaluable guide to pharmacology, side-effects, swapping & stopping antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, etc.
British National Formulary, BMA and RPSGB, various editions
I probably have three or four of these,all within the last five years or so. It's basically a summary of all the drugs prescribed by doctors in the UK, in all fields, not just psychiatry. Lists of indications, contra-indications, side-effects, interactions, etc.
Psychotropic Drug Directory, Bazire, 2000
Similar to the BNFs, but limited to antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, etc., etc. - and more detail on those.
Not at all sure whether anyone's gonna be interested in any of these, but if y'are, let me know. |