I laughed everytime someone said "Project Justice". The show is entertaining to watch, but a lot of it has to go with its gravely voiced ridiculousness. When Michael Scofield (whose name you have to say in full because it's so inherently silly in its mundanity) paid the guy off in cigarettes to get into the chemical area, I half expected him to say, "Considering this is what you guys consider currency in here, have a carton of cigarettes." It's that kind of a show. Like, "You know, I believe in you, I love you, even though you're on death row, I've left my fiance for you." "*smile* That's too bad, *wink* *wink* if I'm not worm food in four weeks, maybe we can have a string of conjugal visits when I end up in prison for life for trying to escape even though you cleared my name."'
Oh and Michael Scofield really will do anything for his plan. He even banged his head against the bars of his cell. And Ol' Peter Stormare trying to say "Stugatz" with a German accent? Yes, there's plenty to marvel at in this show.
It's good fun and the best part is you can miss twenty minutes and still not be lost. "He still in prison?" "Yup." "Having a bit of a rough time of it?" "Yup." "That Hispanic guy still having lady troubles?" "Yup." "Sweet. Pass the M&Ms?" |