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Tim Tempest
03:05 / 13.09.05
Now, its not quite Lost, but I'm still liking this show. Its got a cool plot, some weird characters, an underlying conspiracy story, and severed toes.

Seriously, the thing that got me into it was the fact that the main character tatooed (in code) the blueprints of the prison all over his body. He intentionally got himself incarcerated to save his soon-to-be-executed older brother.

Anyone have any thoughts on this new show?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
06:11 / 13.09.05
I laughed everytime someone said "Project Justice". The show is entertaining to watch, but a lot of it has to go with its gravely voiced ridiculousness. When Michael Scofield (whose name you have to say in full because it's so inherently silly in its mundanity) paid the guy off in cigarettes to get into the chemical area, I half expected him to say, "Considering this is what you guys consider currency in here, have a carton of cigarettes." It's that kind of a show. Like, "You know, I believe in you, I love you, even though you're on death row, I've left my fiance for you." "*smile* That's too bad, *wink* *wink* if I'm not worm food in four weeks, maybe we can have a string of conjugal visits when I end up in prison for life for trying to escape even though you cleared my name."'

Oh and Michael Scofield really will do anything for his plan. He even banged his head against the bars of his cell. And Ol' Peter Stormare trying to say "Stugatz" with a German accent? Yes, there's plenty to marvel at in this show.

It's good fun and the best part is you can miss twenty minutes and still not be lost. "He still in prison?" "Yup." "Having a bit of a rough time of it?" "Yup." "That Hispanic guy still having lady troubles?" "Yup." "Sweet. Pass the M&Ms?"
Tim Tempest
17:19 / 13.09.05

Its all true.

The best part of the whole show though, is that he thought his escape plan would work out so easily. The main character is put out to be really smart...but he some some seriously dumbass things.

The main problem for me though, is that lady and the Secret Service guys.

They can't act.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
18:00 / 13.09.05
Oh those Secret Service guys are bad, but that expectation flouting EVIL HOUSEWIFE MASTERMIND takes the cake.
22:05 / 13.09.05
Preposterously entertaining, yes. So much so that I hope by season's end, we see that Scofield has in fact, planned everything out, including the toe-cuttings and cellmate swaps.

Then he and Lincoln escape and hop into a suspiciously bat-shaped automobile.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
00:32 / 14.09.05
Oh GOD yes! "Michael, this hole is two small toe sizes too big for me! We'll never escape now!" *Michael Scofield takes off his shoe and smirks* *cut to elaborate footage of pipes and then commercial*
04:17 / 14.09.05
I don't think the show is entertaining but on the other hand, I've never really liked Michael Scofield.
Tim Tempest
05:03 / 14.09.05
Not entertaining at all for you?

Dude, its thin, yes, but come on: The guy tatooed blueprints to a jail all over his body.

Thats effin hardcore.
15:15 / 14.09.05
Yeah, this show is pretty candylike. If you somehow find yourself not being entertained by it, it's pretty much your own fault.
02:31 / 15.09.05
Okay, perhaps the show is entertaining, yet somehow I am not entertained. It might be because I've actually moved beyond being put off by Schofield's acting to being annoyed by him.
02:31 / 15.09.05
And it's not like I don't enjoy the candy stuff. I watch reruns of Laguna Beach, for god's sake.
Keith, like a scientist
03:05 / 15.09.05

jeez, i really detest those Secret Service stereotypical and cheesy are they?

i confess to be slightly intrigued by the woman on the phone out in colorado or wherever. i'm pretty sure that' psychologist lady from Alias, what's her name.


Shit, that needs to be a comic RIGHT NOW.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
04:56 / 15.09.05
Oh, Keith, NO.

That has to be the worstest hackneyed "And the mastermind behind it the last person you'd ever expect" choice of an antagonist since forever.

Intriguement must stop...NOW.

*cue elaborate shot of piping/cut to commercial*
Keith, like a scientist
08:33 / 15.09.05's not really the last person you'd expect concept, though, is it? it's more like "affluent powerful woman" mastermind... and the sheer fact that it's a woman is interesting....somewhat.

i can't really get behind anything about this show,'s lightly entertaining...but i could take it or leave it any week...i've only been watching these last few weeks until the season actually starts. next week: lost!

although...i'm slightly impressed that they are showing him breaking out next week already...makes me curious about where the show is going to go from there...i keep wondering how they are going to sustain this show's concept.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
13:18 / 15.09.05
And she's always cooking!

Yeah, I'm curious to see how they continue the show after an "escape" especially with such high profile character actors in the prison. He'll probably botch this escape or, perhaps, BREAK BACK IN.
15:47 / 15.09.05
Well, at some point, one or both of them is likely to be captured and reimprisoned. And chances are it'll be a prison Michael Scofield didn't design.

I really want to find out more about their family, just so I can be sure the evil cooking woman isn't their mom.
14:25 / 16.09.05
I've also been enjoying the show. Have the same feelings as a few others on here -- I think the Secret Service agents are a bit too underwhelming. Particularly the lead one, who's supposed to be a tough guy (and apparently a Green Beret -- didn't the pilot ep feature a quick shot of a special forces pin on his jacket?), but the actor chosen to the play the part looks more like someone you'd expect to see in a family comedy on Disney.

And I'm surprised no one else has figured this out -- the housewife on the phone with the secret service guys, the "mastermind" behind the plot? Why, it's none other than Martha Stewart!!
14:36 / 16.09.05
Forgot to mention -- I saw an interview with the producers/writers, and they claimed they've gotten all the way through Season 2 mapped out. They kept saying that the "escape from prison" angle is only part of the story, something the early promos hammered home: "Escape is just the beginning."

From what I remember, the producers said some characters will get out of prison, and some won't. And for those who do, some will be getting out to be free, and others will be getting out for revenge. I'm figuring the "revenge" angle has to do with whatsisname, Schofield's Hispanic cellmate, who'll no doubt be going after the loathsome Hector.
22:39 / 18.09.05
come on he's not making a run for it in the next episode!! he's a toe amputee!!
I think someone else (but who??) is making the escape run as a distraction for
Scofield to test his planned escape run.
Tim Tempest
04:10 / 20.09.05
Ok, I hate when they make it look like something in the ads...and then it turns out to be something completely different.

Welcome to the world of marketing, I suppose.

Seriously, that was kind of lame...hes getting transferred...and then BAM! Now he's not. Big shocker there guys.

Oh well, at least theres gonna be hotties in the next episode, when they dig underneath the jail, and it turns out to be an underground home of really hot models, with foreign accents.

See TV? I can make shit up too. False advertising bastards.
13:05 / 23.09.05
what a silly series. Here's my tally of who is breaking out with 'Fish' Scofield...
1) the mobster guy umm Abruzzi ?
2) 'Fishs' celly, Sucre
3) possibly the old man who may be DB Cooper ( and if so he'll insist bringing his cat...)
4) I'll bet the infirmary doctor will catch them cutting through infirmary so she goes, besides I think she kinda likes 'Fish' Scofield..
and who else? oh yeah ;-) his brother Linc
did I miss anyone?
Tim Tempest
13:22 / 23.09.05
The warden.

His job was he decided he needed some adventures.
13:56 / 23.09.05
I'm sure we could up with a reason they need to bring Haywire along too.
14:33 / 23.09.05
I think the whole damn prison's going to escape. They'll all take to the woods, and next season will be set in a hippie commune.
15:20 / 27.09.05
Did anyone watch last night's episode? I thought it was tension-filled as 24 at its best. I'm wondering how long they can keep up this pace. Last night's ep totally erased the bad taste of last week's cop-out ending. Plus, the annoying Secret Service guys only appeared for a minute or two! And who else here thinks that, despite his insistence of innocence (indeed, BECAUSE of his incessant insistence), the lawyer helping out Lincoln's gal-pal really IS up to some treachery?
Keith, like a scientist
16:00 / 27.09.05
i know...god help me, I LIKED last night's episode in a non-cheesy way.

The escapee contingent is growing a bit big, though.
18:13 / 27.09.05
Yeah, that was pretty tense. Watch out Lincoln! Watch out, cute lady doctor! Watch out, kitty cat!!!

I can't believe they're seriously considering bringing Teabag with them....
14:24 / 29.11.05
Last night's season finale was one of the worst I've ever seen, in any TV show. It wasn't even a finale, it just kind of limped toward a breaking-off point. I wonder how this happened. I'm thinking Fox was showing it too often for the production to keep up, so they had to give us a "finale" for now, and recoup. It's coming back in March, which is even stranger -- what kind of show has an August-November, March-whenever schedule?

At least Arrested Development comes back next Monday.
17:57 / 29.11.05
Well, this wasn't the final finale. I know it's crazy...

When a show gets picked up, (at least for the first season, I don't know if it's different for returning shows) they do 11-13 episodes or so, and if the first few do well in the ratings they'll pick up the remaining 10 or so episodes for the season.

Prison Break was picked up for a full 22 episode season, but Fox is giving it a rest so that they can concentrate on 24 and American Idol. I assume that the break out will be in the "real" finale sometime in May.
Saint Keggers
03:55 / 30.11.05
It wasn't refered to as a season finale but rather a fall finale. I guess that means the season will continue later on. I just hate the fact that they keep playing last weeks episode right before this weeks. Ok, I've seen last weeks, and you are the asstwits that keep cancelling the good shows. Dont fill space with the one's you do keep on.

ps. Bring back Firefly.
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