I am indeed, though "expert" in this sense, means geeking out over a few books and websites, and is based on no real world experience whatsoever.
I've read some stuff about the projection of aggression, trying to reverse the other persons mindset - you try and reverse the "predator" mentality and make them feel like "prey" instead, and rattle their confidence. Part of the thinking behind this is that - in crime situations anyway - the perpetrator want an easy life, if if someone is going to conform passively to the victim role, perhaps - and it is always only "perhaps" - they won't bother. I'd add most of the discussion I've read on this sort of thing has been coming from people who do have the physical skills to handle it if it does all go pear shaped. If you don't have those skills, perhaps it's best not to risk it.
In short, I think it could well work, but I'd see it acting not so much as a consequence of just visulaisig yourself as Godzilla as that of just being able to acknowledge and accept your fear, and channel/transform it into anger and spit it back in someone's face. I could see how this would work but it's a bit "high-risk" and it'd be best to have a variety of other skills to avoid and defuse these situations. |