Story here, and probably elsewhere.
This is probably the most unwelcome news of the past few months for Governor Schwarzenegger. He's previously made noises in the direction of being OK with gay marriage, but his approval ratings are crap right now, and I don't know which way he's going to see this as far as changing those numbers. Prop 22's smashing success five years ago would seem to indicate that public sentiment favors a veto, but a lot's changed in the last five years on that front, especially in California with the whole Gavin Newsom thing, and he could sign the bill in a mid to win over moderates who have supported him in the past largely because of his more liberal positions on social issues.
If it does pass, then we get to add California to Massachusetts for a probable court battle over the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution. Also, the Christian right will turn on him like a pack of dogs, and considering his stature within the party, and the weakened position of the President right now, that could be the spark that ignites a full-scale battle over the future of the Republican party as a whole. |