Uh, ugh. I want to go on record as saying that I am a woman who is NOT a big chocolate fan. How about a tube of cheese pringles instead?
There is actually a gentleman on my course at the moment who refused chocolate on the grounds that "Only girls like chocolate." Yes, I did want to smack him but I refrained, and that is actually just the tip of the misogynist iceberg with him. I did, however, when said lad was telling me how he had to retrain (yes, retrain) "uppity women" (like myself, being an uppity city gal and all), when he was telling me how we really did like women, managed to get in, "Except for the bitches, right?"
But I digress.
Anyway, of course you can "win" an argument with your amour, but isn't actually the point of a relationship more about working together than somebody being right or wrong?
Sauron, guy, don't sweat it. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes. Lord knows I've said the wrong thing on literally millions of occasions. I think you should just apologize and admit you were wrong, and if your sweetie cares about you she'll forgive you. |