... apologies for the capitals in the thread title but, given the game, it just seemed appropriate to have a shouty, loud, manowar-lyric type feel to it ... anyway ...
... flush from my completion of killer7, and prior to launching into oddworld, I thought I'd give this a go after the missus bought it for me as a house-warming pressie ... that, and I saw it at the Edinburgh Games Festival on a big-ass widescreen surround sound TV and was mightily impressed by the whole clash-of-the-titans kill-EVERYTHING vibe of it all!
... so far, so good ... loud, orchestral and outrageously violent (tis a c18), the enemies are fab and plentiful and it's all very graphically fab!
... hope it doesn't get samey though - the only possible problem I can foresee (no greek prophecy pun intended)
... anyone else played / playing this? ... no spoilers if poss, unless warned etc 
h |